Trophies of Grace

| by | Scripture: Acts 16:11-34 | Series:

Topical Messages
Topical Messages
Trophies of Grace

In Acts 16, we find two trophies of sovereign grace in Philippi:  Lydia and the Jailer.  The way the Lord brought them to repentance and faith was very different, but the fruits that came forth from their lives were very similar.


Trophies of Grace

Acts 16:11-34


Today is a very special day!  Oleg and Angie are going to be baptized in obedience to Jesus Christ. We have witnessed God do a wonderful work of grace in both of them. They are precious to all of us, and we are overjoyed with God’s work in their lives.


This week, as I thought of the upcoming baptism, I thought it would be appropriate for us to focus in on the conversion and baptism of someone in Scripture. As I read Acts 16, I knew that the story of Lydia and the Jailer was perfect. In this chapter we have the conversion of two individuals – one man and one woman. So, this morning, we are going to let Lydia represent Angie, and we are going to let the Philippian Jailer represent Oleg.


Let me tell you the story.  The apostle Paul and at least three other brothers, Silas and Timothy and Luke, were traveling on a missionary journey. They came to the city of Philippi and were hanging out there for a while. On the Sabbath, they went down to the riverside, because there wasn’t a synagogue. Paul’s usual practice was to go to the synagogue on the Sabbath and reason with the Jews from the Scriptures, showing that Jesus was the Messiah. However, a town needed 10 adult male Jews to form a synagogue. It appears that Philippi didn’t have any Jewish men. Because there was no synagogue, the Jewish women met down at the riverside for prayer on the Sabbath. Paul and his team started talking to the women, and the Lord did something wonderful! There was a woman named Lydia from the town of Thyatira, who was a merchant woman who sold expensive purple fabric. As Paul spoke the gospel to her, the Lord opened her heart to respond in faith, and she was converted! Immediately, she and her whole household believed and were baptized in the river.  Then she urged Paul, and Silas, Timothy and Luke to stay at her home so that she could show her gratitude to them. Finally the missionary band agreed to stay.


Well, the missionaries kept on going to the riverside so that they could talk with any of the Jews who gathered there, but day after day, there was this demon-possessed slave girl that would cry out, “These men are the servants of the Most High God, and are telling you the way to be saved!”  Well, this really started to get on Paul’s nerves, so finally he commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the girl. The spirit immediately came out, and the girl was free! However, the girl’s masters weren’t happy about this at all. They had been using this girl to make themselves rich, and now that the spirit was gone, this girl couldn’t make any money for them through fortune-telling. They were furious and dragged Paul and Silas before the city police, claiming that these guys were throwing the whole city into confusion.  The masters somehow were able to get a big crowd on their side. When the police saw the riot that was developing, they ordered that Paul and Silas be beaten with rods. Afterwards they ordered that they be thrown into prison. When they were delivered over to the Jailer, he threw them into the Hole, maximum security, and fastened their feet in the stocks. But Paul and Silas just started praying and singing hymns to God!


At about midnight, God answered their prayers and sent a great earthquake that opened all the prison doors and unfastened all the chains from the prisoner’s arms. The jailer woke up and quickly sized up the situation. He knew what this meant! If the prisoners escaped he would be executed. So he figured he might as well just as well get it over quick. He took out his sword and was about fall on it, when Paul stopped him. “Stop, don’t do it! No one has escaped. We are all here!” It was pitch black, so the Jailer called for some oil lamps so he could see what had happened. When he saw all the doors swinging on their hinges, and all the prisoners chains unfastened, but no one leaving, he started trembling with fear. Evidently, he knew this had to be the hand of God! He fell down on his face before Paul and Silas, and said, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” Paul quickly replied, “Believe on the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, and when your family believes they will be saved as well.” Then the missionaries preached the gospel to the whole family.


Well, this Jailer was so ashamed and sorry for how he had treated these men, that he took them and washed and bandaged their wounds. Paul and Silas in turn, baptized him and his whole household, because all of them had believed in Jesus. Then the Jailer, took them into his own house, and brought them food, and all of them rejoiced greatly, because the Lord had saved them from their sins!


Now that you have an overview of the story, let’s take a look first at Lydia, and then at the Jailer. On Wednesday night, we have been doing disciple multiplication training. One of the things we have done is learned to tell our story. It consists of what we were like before we met Christ, how we met Christ, and what we are like now that we have met Christ. So, today, we’re going to use that same outline to tell the stories of these 2 Trophies of Grace.


1. Lydia


Her Life Before She Met Christ


A Woman.  The very first thing we read about here in vs. 14, is that she was a woman. Now, I know this is as obvious as the nose on your face, but we have to start there. Up until this point in Acts, every individual conversion that has been recorded has been a man. Lydia has the great honor of being the first woman convert mentioned in the Book of Acts.


Wealthy.  We read that she was a “seller of purple fabrics.” Now, why would she sell purple fabrics? That’s kind of like going into a fabric store and seeing nothing but purple cloth for sale. Today, it is easy to produce cloth in any color we want through artificial coloring processes. However, in this day, they had to rely on colors that came from things in nature. It was very difficult to find anything in nature that produced a purple color, until some people discovered that a rare shellfish produced a tiny secretion of clear liquid from the back of its neck. When the liquid made contact with fabric, it turned a dark purple color. They discovered this interestingly enough from a dog. As the story goes, a certain dog just loved shellfish. He figured out how to crack the shell, and eat the creature inside. One day the people of the town noticed that his whole mouth was a purple color. They finally figured out that the color purple was coming from these shellfish. So, some folks in Thyatira began harvesting these shellfish, killing them and secreting the fluid that would turn fabric purple. They would have to use thousands and thousands of these shellfish to produce only a few yards of fabric. You can see why this fabric would be very expensive, can’t you? Since purple fabric was so rare, only the wealthy wore it. Purple was the color of royalty, worn by kings. It was the color of the rich man in Luke 16. Evidently, Lydia was doing pretty well for herself. She had moved to Philippi, perhaps as the sales agent for a fabric company in Thyatira. She owned a home large enough for her household plus four additional missionaries. She was part of the Upper Class.


Worshiper. This expression probably means that she was a proselyte to the Jewish faith. In other words she would have been a converted Gentile. She had come to believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and worshiped Him. On the Sabbath, she took the time to meet with other women in Philippi who believed in Jehovah, and seek Him in prayer.


How She Met Christ


The Providence of God. The Lord brought this apostolic team to her very city, and then to the very riverside where she was praying. In the first part of chapter 16 we read of how they came to Philippi. They came to a certain place and the Holy Spirit wouldn’t let them go North or South. They had come from the East, so the only direction they could go was West. They went due west until they came to the Aegean Sea, and couldn’t go any further.  But there, the Lord finally spoke to them. He gave Paul a dream of a man from Macedonia urging them to come over and help his people. That’s why the team came to Philippi, which was a leading city of Macedonia. God specifically led this apostolic team to Philippi. He said “No” to Asia and Bythinia, and “Yes” to Macedonia. God had some people in Philippi that He had ordained to eternal life, so He providentially led these men through a supernatural dream to come there. God sometimes does this same thing today. We need not be afraid of dreams or visions. The Lord may still use them today to lead us to a particular place or group of people He intends to save. Remember, folks, that the Great Commission is not “Come”, but rather “Go.” We aren’t supposed to wait around for people to come to us asking how they can be saved. Rather, we are to go them telling them how they can be saved!


The Grace of God.  The Scripture says, “the Lord opened her heart to respond to the things spoken by Paul.”  Now, if the Lord had to open her heart, what condition was her heart in beforehand? Obviously, it was closed. That’s the condition all sinners’ hearts are in, before God begins to move in grace. Jesus said, “No one can come to Me, unless the Father who sent Me draws Him.” Romans 9:16 says, “So then, it does not depend on the man who wills or the man who runs, but on God who has mercy.” God must open the heart. It’s not enough that Lydia heard Paul speak of the gospel. An outward hearing of the gospel alone is never enough. The Lord must also open the heart from the inside. The natural man is at enmity to God. His depraved heart will rise up in rebellion to the word of the gospel unless God in His grace changes the heart and sweetly draws the sinner to Himself. Today, we need God working on the outside bringing us with the right message to lost people and also working on the inside to open their hearts before anyone will be soundly converted.


The Gospel of God.  It says that she responded to the things spoken by Paul. Now what things do you suppose Paul would have been speaking to her? Of course, he was speaking to her of the gospel. A sinner needs three things to be saved. He needs the Lord to send someone to him. He needs to hear the truth of the gospel. And he needs the Lord to change his heart so that he responds in faith to the gospel. Folks, as we have been stepping out in faith, going to lost people, we have to remember that we can do nobody any good unless we tell them the gospel. It’s good to tell people Your Story, but that alone can’t save anyone. It’s good to do acts of kindness for lost people, but that alone will not save them. They must hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. They must hear about how He lived a perfect life, died on the cross to pay for sin, and then rose from the dead proving that His payment for sin was accepted by the Father. So, determine that when you go out on Saturdays to do Prayer Walking, that you will tell people the gospel.


Her Life After She Met Christ


Baptism. Evidently she was baptized that very day, for the next verse says that she and her household were baptized. Baptism should be the first act of obedience of a new believer.  Jesus said, “He who believes and is baptized will be saved.” Baptism is the way we take sides with Jesus. We identify with Him. It’s kind of like a wedding ring. Baptism doesn’t save us just as wearing a wedding ring doesn’t make you married.  But baptism is an outward symbol of our salvation. Eventually, those of you who are going out into the harvest and telling people the gospel will see people come to Christ. Guess what? It will be your privilege to baptize them! As soon as it can be determined that they have been converted, go ahead and baptize them.


Hospitality.  The Lord had so worked in Lydia’s heart that she almost pleaded for these men who had brought her the Good News, to come and stay in her home. Now, does this remind you of anything from Luke 10? Of course, the Person of Peace. Lydia welcomed the missionaries and their message, and then welcomed them to stay in her home as she provided food and shelter for them. 1 John 3:14 says, “We know that we have passed out of death into life because we love the brethren.”  Lydia loved these missionaries, and wanted to do whatever she could to minister to them.  Not only did Lydia show hospitality toward these missionaries, but vs. 40 says she showed hospitality to the whole church. As a wealthy woman, she would have had a large home, which would have made it a convenient place for the new church in Philippi to meet at.


Lydia’s life was transformed by Christ and His gospel. She would never be the same. What about you? Honestly, has the gospel transformed your life? Are you really different because of Jesus Christ?


2. The Jailer


His Life Before He Met Christ


Heathen.  This man is unique in the book of Acts. Everyone so far who has been converted has had some knowledge of the true and living God. Whether it was the Jews on Pentecost, or Cornelius who was a God-fearer, or the Ethiopian eunuch, or Lydia who was a worshiper of God. This jailer was just a lost heathen man, who was an employee of the Roman government. He probably had no knowledge of the Living God. As a Roman, he would have believed in many gods and goddesses. But God has plans of grace for this man!


Hardened.  Notice how he treated Paul and Silas. He threw them into the inner prison. This inner prison would have just been a hole. Dark, disgusting and foul from human excrement. This was the place of maximum security. And not only did he throw them into the worse place of this prison, but then he fastened their feet in the stocks. This meant that he would spread their legs as far as he could and fasten them in that position. It would not only have prevented them from going anywhere, but also brought muscle cramping and suffering to these men. This man was a hardened heathen. As we go out and engage hardened heathens, don’t ever doubt that God can save them!


How He Met Christ


The Lord Used Persecution to Bring Missionaries Right to Him.  Again, we see the Providence of God. Now, we can easily see God’s providence in giving Paul a dream so that he knows to go to Philippi. But can you also see God’s providence in allowing Paul and Silas to be beaten and thrown into the “hole”? Do you ever wonder, “Why would God allow these men who were doing His will to suffer so much?” Folks, God is doing 10,000 things that we can’t even imagine. We don’t see all He is doing. If we did, we would marvel! It might not make sense to us now, but one day we will glorify God for His matchless wisdom. In this instance, God is allowing suffering in His servants’ lives, because He has a plan to save this jailer and his family! Often, the gospel goes forth through persecution. And what were these men doing when they were shoved down into the “hole” in the stocks? I wonder what we would have done? I have a suspicion I may not have done so well. I think I may have whined about how the Lord was letting me suffer when I was only trying to serve Him. But Paul and Silas started praying and singing praise to God!  And they must have been singing pretty loudly, because even though they were shut away in the inner prison, all the prisoners were listening to them. And the Lord used even that to set this jailer free.


The Lord Brought an Earthquake to Convict him.  About midnight God brought an earthquake. This wasn’t just any earthquake. It was so violent that all the doors swung on their hinges, and all the prisoners bands were broken. Isn’t it interesting that though this earthquake was so powerful, the roof didn’t cave in on all of them? Instead, the only damage it did was permit everyone to escape. However, none did escape. God did not allow any to flee. And this so shook the Jailer, that he started trembling for fear. He knew something supernatural was going on. He had heard the demon-possessed girl saying that these men were servants of the Most High God, and were telling people how to be saved. He had seen Paul and Silas’ meek and humble response to their wicked persecutors. He had experienced this violent earthquake. And now, when all of the prisoners should have fled, instead, they were all still in their cells. This just didn’t make sense on a human level. He knew God was trying to get his attention big time. That’s why he fell down before Paul and Silas and said, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” What a difference! Before he rudely threw them into the inner prison. Now he falls before them and addresses them as “Sirs.”  Notice how the Lord dealt differently in converting these two. In Lydia’s case, the Lord gently and quietly opens her heart to respond to the gospel. In the jailer’s case, the Lord brings a violent earthquake to rock him to the core of his being. The Lord knows exactly what He needs to do to bring each of His sheep to Christ, doesn’t He?


He Believed the Gospel.  Paul said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.” Paul was not saying that his whole family would be saved, just because he was. He was saying that if you believe in the Lord Jesus you will be saved, and your household will be saved if they do the same. And the jailer did believe, and his household did believe. We find that out from vs. 34.


His Life After He Met Christ


Baptism and Hospitality.  In this respect, the jailer was a mirror image of Lydia. Immediately the jailer and his whole household were baptized, just like Lydia was. They showed their faith in their works. Not only did they obey Christ by identifying with Him in baptism, but they too invited Paul and Silas into their home, and spread food before them.


Kindness.  Just hours before this same man was rudely and roughly shoving these two into a filth hole and fastening their feet in stocks. Now, what is he doing? He’s taking their bloodied arms and legs, and gently washing their wounds, and bandaging them. What has happened here? The jailer has been born again! Behold if any man is in Christ he is a new creation! He’s a different man. My friends, if you have never experienced a change of nature, a new birth to where you become a new person on the inside, you are not saved! Cry to God to save your soul and make you a new person in Christ Jesus.


Joy.  Vs. 34 says that the jailer “rejoiced greatly”!  Salvation will do that for a person, won’t it? Do you remember when God first saved you? Do you remember the great joy that it brought into your soul? There’s no greater kind of joy than joy at being reconciled to God!




There are some important truths we need to learn from this chapter in Acts.  Let me give you just four of them:


  1. Go to the lost. Don’t expect them to come to you. If you do, you’ll be waiting a long, long time!
  2. When you are evangelizing, seek to win the entire household. Instead of trying to win individuals, try to win households. When you go back to tell a Story of Hope, ask the person to round up their family and friends, so they can all hear it together.
  3. Baptize new converts immediately.  How do you know when the right time is? As soon as they repent, believe in Christ, and surrender to Him as their Lord, baptize them.
  4. Expect transformed lives!  Whenever God truly converts a person, He will transform them. If they are not transformed, they were not converted. Perhaps they were stillborn. Perhaps they were making a decision in the energy of their flesh for a whole host of reasons. When God saves a person, He makes them holy. You can depend on it.






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