Monthly Archives:: September 2009

But God!

| by | Scripture: Ephesians 2:4-6 | Series:

“But God” – 2 of the most glorious words in all the Bible! Paul doesn’t say, “but you.” When we could do nothing to save ourselves, God did something. Salvation is of the Lord. It was God who took the initiative. God acted. With man salvation is impossible, but with God all things are possible!


The Lord’s Supper

| by | Scripture: Various | Series:

What is the Biblical Teaching on the Lord’s Supper? Are we supposed to examine ourselves to see whether we are worthy to partake of it? Who should partake? In what kind of setting? What place does the Lord’s Supper have in our Church meetings? Let’s examine these questions together by surveying all of the New Testament texts on the subject.


The Christian And Government

| by | Scripture: 1 Peter 2:13-17 | Series:

This section in 1 Peter is very important as it addresses the Christian’s responsibility toward governing authorities. What is our responsibility toward them? What is God’s purpose for them? Why are we to submit to them? How are we to submit to them? Is it ever right not to submit to them? Find out in this study


The Master Artist

| by | Scripture: Ephesians 2:7-10 | Series:

Imagine if God were a Master Artist. What would the canvass be? What about the paint, and the brush, and the final art gallery? This message is probably Brian Anderson’s most popular message he has ever given, having preached it many times in many places. Let the truth of Ephesians 2:7-10 thrill your soul!