In this passage, Pastor Brian expounds the sixth trumpet, and teaches why he leans toward the idea that this vision symbolizes the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in A.D. 70.
Putting on the Armor of God
Today in Ephesians, we learn how to put on the armor of God and not give an inch of our victory in Christ to the enemy. .
The Locusts from the Bottomless Pit
In Revelation 9 we are introduced to a vision of a vast horde of locusts that torment unbelievers. This points to a demonic invasion of monumental proportions. In this message we survey the Preterist, Futurist, and Idealist perspectives on this judgment of God.
The Sounding Of The First Four Trumpets
In response to the believing prayer of the saints God now judges her persecutors and enemies. In this message we seek to find some Old Testament information related to the trumpet judgments. As we do so, the vision and its meaning become clearer.
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