Monthly Archives:: May 2016

What Did Jesus Believe?

| by | Scripture: Luke 20:27-40 | Series:

As Jesus silenced the Sadducees concerning the resurrection of the dead, He also gave us His beliefs concerning the importance of biblical doctrine, God’s plan for the future, and the certainty and nature of life after death.


Jesus Christ: David’s Son and David’s Lord

| by | Scripture: Luke 20:41-44 | Series:

Just exactly who is Jesus? Everyone seems to have a different answer to that question. However, the Bible is very clear on it. In this message we learn what Jesus Himself taught as to His own identity.


The Beginning of Faith

| by | Scripture: Luke 5:1-11 | Series:

What does the beginning of faith look like? As we look at Peter’s encounter with Jesus, we will see what the beginning of faith looks like and its impact on our future.


Look Up, Look Forward

| by | Scripture: Titus 2:11-14 | Series:

Imprisonment, beatings, slander, how did the early church endure this? Four words: Look up, look forward.


A Victim of Corrupt Religious Leaders

| by | Scripture: Luke 20:45 - 21:4 | Series:

In this passage, Jesus warns against corrupt religious leaders, and then gives an example of one of its victims. This “victim” might surprise you. Learn how to watch out for corrupt religious leaders in this message.

We apologize, but due to a technical difficulty, the recording starts about 3.5 minutes into the sermon.