Monthly Archives:: April 2021

The Holiness Of God

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The holiness of God is the attribute that is most prominent of all of them. It is the only attribute that is repeated three times by the angels in the throne room. So, what is it, and how will it effect us when we get a true glimpse of it? That is what we are exploring in this message.


The Faithfulness of God

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God will do all that He says He will do. That is the bedrock of God’s faithfulness. Because He is faithful, He will keep His promises, fulfill His threats, preserve His people, discipline His people, and help His people in temptation.


The Jealousy of God

| by | Scripture: Exodus 34:14 | Series:

The Bible boldly states that our God is a Jealous God. It even tells us that His name is Jealous. What exactly does that mean? What are the implications for the Christian? Listen in!