Monthly Archives:: April 2012

Who Is The Only True God?

| by | Scripture: Acts 17:16-29 | Series:

Today, as in Athens 2000 years ago, we are tempted every day to worship idols, or false gods – by putting our hope and seeking our joy in created things, such as technology, entertainment, other people, etc. – rather than the one true God who created all things. When we put all our hope in created things, we will sooner or later be completely disappointed. Let’s listen as Paul brings us to the only true God, who is worthy of our worship.


Jesus The Risen Judge

| by | Scripture: Acts 17:30-34 | Series:

Jesus Christ has been raised from the dead and he will judge the world on a day that God has appointed. How will you respond to this knowledge? Derision (laugh it off), delay (I’ll think about it later), or decision to repent and believe in Jesus?


The Lord’s Encouragement to Paul in Vanity Fair

| by | Scripture: Acts 18:1-17 | Series:

The city of Corinth that Paul came to on his second missionary journey was like Vanity Fair in the book Pilgrim’s Progress: it was full of immorality and wickedness. Upon coming to Corinth, Paul was alone and prone to discouragement from of all of the persecution that he had suffered from city to city. In this message, we see how the Lord encouraged him by giving him friends, converts, and promises.