In the story of the Samaritan leper who returned to give thanks to Jesus we see a beautiful and powerful portrait of a passionate worshiper. Not only do we see his wretched condition, and obedient faith, but also his passionate worship. Let us go and do likewise.
How should the Second Coming of Christ impact our lives practically? We should refuse to: 1) be deceived by false Christs; 2) be preoccupied by this earthly life; 3) be captivated by the world; and 4) be overtaken by the Judgment.
God wants His people to cry to Him day and night for justice, until the Son of Man returns. In light of that, let’s remember our persecuted brethren, and lift them up to God regularly.
As Pastor Brian began a new mini-series on the Christian Family, he dealt with two implications of Ephesians 6:1:
1) The Apostle Paul Assumed That Children Would Be Present With Their Families In Church
2) The Apostle Paul Assumed That Children Could Be Saved.
Therefore, we need to beware of believing children don’t need to be saved, of not evangelizing children, and using unBiblical decisionistic methods to evangelize our children.
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