The 144,000 In Glory

| by | Scripture: Revelation 14:1-5 | Series:

Studies in the Book of Revelation
Studies in the Book of Revelation
The 144,000 In Glory

Here in Chapter 14 of the book of Revelation we see a group of people numbered at 144,000 and see where they are and what they do. They are a picture of what we await in heaven.


The 144,000 In Glory

Revelation 14:1-5


Thus far we have seen two heavenly scenes in the book of Revelation.  In chapters 4 and 5 we have a vision of the Throne.  In chapter 4 all of heaven worships God as the Creator.  In chapter 5 all of heaven worships Jesus as the Redeemer.


In chapter 7:1-8, we have the 144,000 on earth, and then in 7:9-17 we have an innumerable multitude from every nation in heaven.  They are waving palm branches, signifying the victory of Jesus Christ, and crying out with a loud voice, “Salvation to our God.”


Today, we come to Revelation 14:1-5.  And the very first thing we see is the very same group of people – the 144,000!


There have been all kinds of interpretations of who these people are!


Dispensationalists say they are 12,000 Jews from 12 different tribes of Israel, that God will use as His evangelists during the last 7 years of earth’s history.


Jehovah’s Witnesses believe the 144,000 are faithful JW’s who will be resurrected and spend eternity in heaven with God and Christ. In the 1930’s they said the number had been sealed, meaning there were already 144,000, and the rest of the faithful JW’s would live on the earth forever.


Every new cult has their own twist on who the 144,000 are.


Well, since Revelation 14:1-5 is all about the 144,000 that’s who we are going to focus on.


We are going to ask 4 questions this morning:


  1. Who are they?
  2. Where are they?
  3. What are they doing?
  4. What are they like?


1. Who Are They? 14:1


Remember, we have met these same people before in chapter 7.  In 7:4 we discover that when these people were on the earth, they were sealed by God so that they would not face the wrath of God being poured out on the wicked.  Interestingly, we are told in Ephesians 1:13-14 that every Christian has been sealed with the Holy Spirit. The followers of the Beast are given a mark . The people of God are given a seal. Both a mark and a seal indicate ownership, but only a seal indicates security and protection. The beast’s mark will not provide his people shelter from the coming wrath of God.


In Revelation 14:1 we are told what that seal is.  It is the name of the Lamb and His Father written on their foreheads. In other words they are the property of Jesus Christ, in much the same way that a rancher brands his cattle to prove his ownership of them. In Revelation 14:3 we are told that these people had been purchased from the earth.  In Revelation 14:4 we are told they have been purchased from among men as first fruits to God and to the Lamb.  So which people are those who are purchased, redeemed, and are a people for His own possession (Titus 2:14)?  That’s easy. The Bible describes those people as the Church.


The number 144,000 is significant.  12 (Old covenant saints) x 12 (New Covenant saints) x 10 to the 3rd power (an innumerable host).  This number is symbolic for all God’s people of all time.


This group is referred to as “the bond-servants of our God” in Revelation 7:3.  All of the way through the book of Revelation the “bond-servants of our God” are all those who fear God and worship Him (19:5). They are linked with the prophets, the saints, and those who fear His name (11:18).


We are told in Revelation 13:8 and 17:8 that the followers of the Beast do not have their names recorded in the Lamb’s Book of life, but the 144,000 do have their names recorded there!


So, who are these 144,000 in the book of Revelation?  They are the saved of all the ages. If you are saved, then you are one of the 144,000.  You need to see yourself here, my friend!


2. Where Are They? 14:1,3


Mount Zion:  Now, just what is Mount Zion?  In the Bible “Zion” is mentioned some 150 times.  It refers to a mountain in Jerusalem, Jerusalem itself (the city of God), the place where the Jewish temple was located, and sometimes for God’s people.


In the book of Revelation, place names are used in much the same way that numbers are used. These place names are metaphors of spiritual realities.  In 11:8 when the Bible speaks of the martyrdom of God’s witnesses, it says it takes place in Jerusalem, which is also Sodom and Egypt.  All of those places are notorious fore being dens of iniquity in which God’s people are persecuted.


In 14:8 we read of Babylon the great. Are we to think that John is describing the literal city of Babylon situated on the Tigris and Euphrates rivers?  No, he is using Babylon as an idiom to represent this world system in rebellion to God.  Later in chapter 17 John will use Babylon to refer to a prostitute, but of course, we are not intended to think of the city of Babylon as a literal woman. These are symbols intended to portray spiritual truth.


So, what does Mount Zion represent?  If this is not a literal mountain in Jerusalem in the Middle East, then where is this Mount Zion?  Well, notice in 14:3 that when the 144,000 are in Mount Zion, they surround God’s throne, where the 4 living creatures are and where the 24 elders are. Where is that?  Well, from Revelation 4 and 5, we know that is where the throne of God is. This Mount Zion, then refers to heaven, where all of God’s people will one day be.  Hebrews 12 says that Mount Zion is the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem.


With the Lamb:  14:1.  All of the 144,000 are now in heaven with the Lamb. They are no longer on the earth, where they faced suffering and persecution and temptations. They are now the Church Victorious, surrounding Jesus Christ in adoring worship.


In Revelation 12, we see the great red dragon (Satan) seeking to destroy Jesus, but instead Jesus is caught up to God and to His throne.  So, what does Satan do?  Does he give up?  No! He persecutes the woman (the people of God).  12:17 “So the dragon was enraged with the woman, and went off to make war with the rest of her children, who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus.”


Revelation 13 tells us how he makes war with the saints.  In Revelation we find 2 Beasts.  First, there is a Beast coming up out of the sea.  He speaks arrogant words and blasphemies. He makes war with the saints and overcomes them. This Beast makes war by persecuting God’s people.  Then, there is a second Beast. This Beast comes up out of the earth. This Beast makes war on the saints by deceiving them with various signs; the seduction of beguiling philosophies. So, here we have an unholy Trinity:  Satan, the Beast from the sea, and the Beast from the earth. What does Satan use to seek to destroy God’s people?  Persecution and Deception.


But here in Revelation 14, instead of the Beasts, we see the Lamb. Not the Beast from the earth in Revelation 13:11 who was like a lamb. In Revelation 14 we have THE Lamb, Jesus Christ! Instead of the Beasts coming up out of the sea and coming up out of the earth, we see the Lamb standing. These two Beasts are temporary and impermanent. They will come and go. But Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Christ is firmly established. The Beasts come out of the cursed sea and earth. But Jesus Christ stands on the heavenly Mount Zion. And we stand there with Him!


So the question then is, “How can the church rise victorious over the persecuting power of Satan?  How can they hold out against the lies and deceptions of Satan?”  However, they do!  We know they do, because we find them here in Revelation 14 in heaven with Christ. They have won! They did not love their lives even when faced with death. They overcame Satan because of the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony (12:11).


Notice how many of the 144,000 persecuted on earth make it to heaven.  All 144,000! Not a single one is missing.  Jesus said in John 6:39 “This is the will of Him who sent Me, that of all that He has given Me I lose nothing, but raise it up on the last day.”


Paul said in Romans 8:30, “And these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified.”  Every one who is predestined is glorified! Not a single one is lost along the way. Satan tries to destroy God’s people. He even kills them when they will not renounce their faith. But every single one ends up in heaven around the throne worshiping Christ!  Take heart brothers and sisters! The path to glory may be difficult and painful, but Jesus Christ is the One leading you there, and He can’t fail.


3. What Are They Doing? 14:2-3

They sang a new song:  just like they did in 5:9.  No one could learn this song except this group of 144,000 saved sinners in glory. Why? Because this song has to do with redemption. The 144,000 had been purchased from the earth. They had been purchased to God and the Lamb. This group sings of being purchased by the precious blood of Christ. However, the 4 Living Creatures and the angels can’t sing about being purchased by the blood of Christ. Christ did not die for them. Christ did not purchase them. This song can only be sung by redeemed sinners!


There will be some songs in heaven that only the church will be able to sing. We will sing, “To Him who loves us and released us from our sins by His blood!”  And I have a feeling that that song will never grow old.  This is a song of worship.


The Song of the Redeemed is LIKE 3 things:


It was like the sound of many waters:  I read this week the testimony of a man who lived 2 miles from Niagara Falls. He said it is a thunderous roar at the bottom of the Falls. You have to yell to be heard talking to the person next to you. He said that from his house 2 miles from the Falls you could hear it constantly, and that he would sometimes open his windows at night so that the roar from the Falls would lull him to sleep.


It was like the sound of loud thunder:  I can remember camping along the American River when we were whitewater rafting. We were in a tent at night and there was a Thunderstorm. We were woke up out of a deep sleep by this awesome clap of thunder. It was so powerful! It was like a huge explosion. It was a frightening sound!


It was like the sound of harpists playing on their harps:  Even though the sound is explosively loud and powerful, it is also sweet and beautiful and attractive and joyful! That’s what the music of a harp is like. Why is this music so joyful?  Because of the massive size of the choir, and the appreciation these people have for the Lamb and what He has done for them.


So, put it all together the sound that came forth from this heavenly choir was powerful, roaring, explosive, but it was also sweet, and beautiful and joyous!  That’s what the worship of heaven will be like!


4. What Are They Like?


Notice in 14:4 the phrase “These are the ones”. Three times we are told what the 144,000 are like. Let’s look at them.


They have not been defiled with women, for they have kept themselves chaste:  Now, again, we should not interpret this in a wooden literal fashion. If we did, then the only people who would make up the 144,000 would be males, and virgin males at that. What does this description signify?  In the Old Testament, sometimes Israel is called the virgin daughter of Zion. But when Israel commits idolatry God says she has played the whore, and is engaged in harlotry, and has been unfaithful to Him. In 2 Corinthians 11:2 Paul says to the Corinthians, “For I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy; for I betrothed you to one husband, so that to Christ I might present you as a pure virgin.”  The 144,000 have not committed idolatry with the whore of Babylon. They have remained faithful to Christ. What are the 144,000 like?  They are faithful to Christ, to worship and serve Him alone.


These are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever He goes:  What is that talking about?  Committed, unreserved discipleship. To be a disciple is to follow in the steps of your Master. Jesus said, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny Himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me.”  Peter said in 1 Peter 2:21, “For you have been called for this purpose, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow in His steps.”  Being a disciple means that you follow Jesus in His steps. He is your Example. As Christians we seek to live like Christ lived.


Notice that a true disciple follows the Lamb wherever He goes.  A disciple is not at liberty to follow Christ only when he wants to go where Jesus is going. He doesn’t follow Jesus only when the path is pleasant. A true disciple submits to, yields to, and obeys Jesus Christ wherever He leads. That’s why I say this is a description of unreserved discipleship. He is Master. We are Servant. Either He is Lord of all, or He is not Lord at all. If you are a Christian it is your duty to yield all of your life to Him and His will.


These have been purchased from among men as first fruits to God and to the Lamb. And no lie was found in their mouth; they are blameless.  On the day of Passover, the Lord passed over the children of Israel and did not kill their first-born because they were sheltered in the house with the blood over the door.  We find that in Exodus 12. However, in Exodus 13:1-2 it says, “Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, “Sanctify to Me every first-born, the first offspring of every womb among the sons of Israel, both of man and beast; it belongs to Me.”  Because God had spared the first-born, it was His. The first-born belonged to God. He had purchased them. That’s exactly what God is saying here in Revelation 14.  The 144,000 had been spared the wrath of God. Now they belong to God because He purchased them.


What are they like?  No lie was found in their mouth; they are blameless.  This description of them is in striking contrast to the description we have of Satan and the two beasts in chapters 12 and 13.  In Revelation 12:9 we read that the devil deceives the whole world. We also read in 12:15 that the serpent poured water like a river out of his mouth after the woman – a picture of Satan seeking to destroy the church through His lies and deceptions.  In 13:5 the Beast that comes out of the sea speaks arrogant words and blasphemies.  In 13:14 the Beast that comes out of the earth deceives through various signs.  Instead of speaking truth, Satan and the two Beasts lie and deceive in order to destroy.


In Revelation 11 the church is seen in symbolic fashion as 2 witnesses who will be killed because of their uncompromising testimony to the One who is the Faithful and True Witness.


1 John 2:22 says, “Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ?  This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son.”


What does it mean that no lie was found in their mouth? I believe it means that these 144,000 told the truth about Christ and His gospel. They bore witness to the truth in spite of the persecution they received from Satan and the 2 Beasts.



They have not been defiled with women; they are chaste – Covenant Faithfulness

They follow the Lamb wherever He goes – Unreserved Discipleship

They are blameless; no lie was found in their mouth – Bold allegiance to Jesus Christ




Who are these 144,000?  They are real Christians. Does their description match your own?


If so, you are headed to Mount Zion, the Heavenly City. Why? To surround the throne of God and the Lamb. Why? To lift your voice with all the other 144,000. Why? To sing a new song that none but your group can sing.  Why? Because He purchased and redeemed you at the cost of His own precious blood.


So, let’s model our worship down here after the worship up there.


  • Our worship should be focused on God and the Lamb
  • Our worship should be loud, powerful, and sweet
  • Our worship should speak of the redemption of Jesus Christ


Let’s let the worship of heaven provide a model for our worship here and now.  Let’s pray.






© The Bridge


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