Prayer – Learning from the Example of Jesus

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Prayer – Learning from the Example of Jesus


We have embarked on a series of studies on Prayer and Fasting.  The last two Sundays, we decided to learn about prayer by examining the teaching of Jesus on prayer, so we looked at the Lord’s Prayer.


This morning we are going to learn about prayer by examining the example of Jesus. We are going to take a look at six passages that describe Jesus’ prayer life.


1. Luke 5:12-16


When did Jesus pray?  (often)

Where did Jesus pray?  (the wilderness)

Why did Jesus pray?  (clarity. Didn’t want to get caught up in the praise of man)


How could you apply this to your life?


2. Matthew 14:23-25


When did Jesus pray?  (from evening to 4th watch – 3-6 am)

Why did Jesus pray during the night?  (Probably because His disciples and the people were always around Him during the day. He needed time alone with His Father)

Was prayer for Jesus 1 way or 2 way communication?  Why do you answer that way?  Jn. 8:28; 12:49-50.

Where did Jesus pray?  (the mountain, by Himself)

Why did Jesus pray?  (not stated)


How could you apply this to your life?  (Can we have 2-way communication with God?  Praying the Bible.  Should take times occasionally to spend large blocks of time with God. Maybe take a day off, go off by yourself with God to pray.)


3. Luke 6:12-13


When did Jesus pray?  (After performing a healing and making the religious leaders enraged with Him.)

Where did Jesus pray? (Mountain)

Why did Jesus pray?  (He needed to choose 12 men to be His apostles. Needed God’s direction.)


How could you apply this to your life?  (Seek God before making important decisions)



4. Mark 1:35-39


When did Jesus pray?  (early in morning while it was still dark)

Where did Jesus pray?  (a secluded place)

Why did Jesus pray?  (to hear from God. Needed to know the next step. Was extremely popular. Crowds wanted him to stay. Needed to know God’s will. Lk. 4:43).


How could you apply this to your life?  (Rise early in the morning, be alone with God, and seek Him)


5. Luke 10:17-21


When did Jesus pray?  (When the disciples were rejoicing about the demons being subject to them)

Where did Jesus pray?  (does not say)

Why did Jesus pray?  (was a way of expressing His joy to the Father)


How could you apply this to your life?  (when you are rejoicing about something, rejoice before the Father in prayer!)


6. Mark 14:32-42


When did Jesus pray?  Just hours before the cross

Where did Jesus pray?  Mount of Olives.  Took Peter, James and John with Him.

Why did Jesus pray?  Feeling the tremendous stress of impending sufferings.  Asked Father to remove them.


How could you apply this to your life?  (when under stress, pray!  Ask God for deliverance, but resigned yourself to His will. Sometimes it will not be His will to remove the stress.)




What is one thing stood out to you in our study today?


What is one thing will you do this week to follow Jesus’ example in prayer?







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