Flee Demonized Idolatry!

| by | Scripture: 1 Corinthians 10:14-22 | Series:

The Corinthians were wanting the “freedom” to eat the idol feasts at the pagan temples. Paul tells them to flee idolatry because they become sharers in demons.

Teaching Notes:

Flee Demonized Idolatry!

1 Corinthians 10:14-22



Therefore, my beloved: This “therefore” is an inference from 10:1-13. There we learn that the Israelites had their own form of the Lord’s Supper and Baptism. However, they committed idolatry and were judged by God. The “strong” Corinthians were smug and secure because of their baptism and Lord’s Supper. So, Paul gives them Vs.12, followed by the comfort and encouragement of Vs.13.  So, because of the example of the Israelites, Paul commands them to flee idolatry (Vs.14). He softens the blow with “my beloved.” I love you and urge you to flee idolatry for your own good!

Flee from idolatry: Paul had already told them to flee immorality (6:18). Paul just told them God would provide a way of escape in temptation, but not if they are running headlong into idolatry! Same root for idolatry used in 10:7 (suggesting eating at idol’s temples), and 5:9-11 (suggesting Paul had forbidden the practice in an earlier letter). In 8:7-10 Paul urged them not to eat in idol’s temples because it could ruin the weak brother. Here he gives another reason: this idolatry is connected with demons. They had crossed the line of eating food offered to an idol to actually participating in false worship.

I speak as to wise men; you judge what I say: I will try to persuade you with rational arguments why you must flee from idolatry.

It seems that the Corinthians had 2 basic arguments from the letter they had written (7:1):

1) Since an idol is not real it doesn’t matter what we eat or where we eat (Paul had dealt with what in Ch.8; he deals with where here).

2) As long as we participate in the Lord’s Supper we are secure in Christ.


1.   When They Observed the Lord’s Supper They Were Sharing in the Sacrifice of Christ – Vs. 16

Sharing: Gr. is koinonia. When they ate and drank they fellowshipped with Christ and one another concerning His sacrificial death. We remember and share in the benefits of Christ’s death. This is not talking about transubstantiation; rather spiritual fellowship.


2.   When They Observed the Lord’s Supper They Were Experiencing Unity Together – Vs. 17

One bread: Lit. = loaf. The one loaf pictures the spiritual body of Christ (church) as well as the physical body of Christ. The body is one, not many. As worshippers fellowship with Christ at Lord’s Supper, they also fellowship with one another, and recognize their spiritual unity.  Partaking of one loaf not only pictures our unity, but produces it!


3.   When the Israel Ate the Sacrifices They Were Sharing In the Sacrifices – Vs. 18

In certain offerings, part was burned, part eaten by priest, and part eaten by person bringing offering. When they did so, they were sharing in the sacrifice offered on that altar. In other words, they recognized that an innocent substitute had been slain for their guilt.

4.   Paul’s Application to the Corinthians – Vs. 19-22  “What do I mean then?”

A.   The Problem Is Not the Food or the Idol – vs.19 The food has not been magically changed because of the sacrifice. The idol is nothing. It is not a real god (8:4).

B. The Problem Is That Idolatry Is Connected With Demons – vs. 20-21 Of course the pagans did not realize that, but it was true nevertheless. Satan sends his demons to persuade unregenerate people to worship false gods. By going to these idol feasts, they were sharing in sacrifices made to demons! A true Christian can not worship Jesus in the Lord’s Supper and then turn around and worship demons at the idol feasts.

C. Persistence In The Idol Feasts Would Provoke The Lord’s Judgment – vs.22 Paul is thinking of Deut.32:16-18, 21 and Ps.106:34-40. If the Corinthians continued flirting with idolatry, they would provoke the Lord to jealousy. He is a jealous God and will not endure a rival in matter of worship. He will break out in wrath and judgment. They thought they were strong, but they are not stronger than Him to withstand His judgment!



1.   Beware of Substituting Sacramentalism for Personal Holiness! When I was a Roman Catholic, we believed we were OK as long as we went to church on Sunday and observed holy communion. We saw communion as the dispensing of grace and a way of immunizing us against our worldly idolatry. We felt we were secure in spite of the fact that we lived sinful lives.

2. Beware of Modern Forms of Idolatry! We commit idolatry when something other than God is our master passion in life. How can we know? Your heart, lips, and deeds will tell you. What are you obsessed with? That’s your god. Flee all forms of obsession other than supreme loyalty and devotion to Jesus!



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