Sermon Series: Luke

The ministry of the Son of Man to seek and save the lost.

Barabbas – A Portrait Of Us All

| by | Scripture: Luke 22:63 - 23:25

In the story of Barabbas, we see a beautiful picture of the gospel. We are all Barabbas! He was guilty and deserved death, but received life. Christ was righteous and deserved life, but took death. Come, marvel at your Savior and worship Him!


Three Crosses On A Hillside

| by | Scripture: Luke 23:26-43

The two thieves that died on the right and left side of Jesus, represent all of humanity. Either we see Jesus for who He really is, repent, believe, and confess Him before others, or we die in our sins. Which one do you identify with?


The Extraordinary Death of Christ

| by | Scripture: Luke 23:44-56

The death of Jesus Christ was truly extraordinary! In this message we explore three signs that attended Christ’s death, and four different responses of people to Christ’s death. May God help us to make the right response to the cross of Christ.


Christ Is Risen!

| by | Scripture: Luke 24:1-12

Christianity stands or falls with the truth of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Destroy the resurrection, and you have destroyed the Christian faith. In this message, Pastor Brian gives rational reasons to defend the truth of the resurrection of Christ, and then shows the massive implications of that resurrection.


Burning Hearts!

| by | Scripture: Luke 24:13-32

When Jesus appeared to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, He explained to them how all of the Old Testament Scripture pointed to Him. In all our reading of the Old Testament, let’s make sure we don’t miss Jesus!


The Risen Lord’s Final Instructions

| by | Scripture: Luke 24:33-53

In this final expository sermon in the Gospel of Luke, we examine Jesus’ final instructions to His disciples. In it we see the necessity laid upon our Savior, the Sinner, and the Saint.