Sermon Series: New Testament Book

How Does Jesus Continue To Do And Teach?

| by | Scripture: Acts 1:1-8

In this message, we begin our study of the Book of Acts. Brian begins by giving an introduction and overview of the Book of Acts. This is followed by examining the first 8 verses of chapter 1, and asking the question, “What did the apostles need in order for the risen Christ to continue to do and teach through them?” In this study we conclude by examining the subject of the baptism with the Holy Spirit.


The Devil’s Distractions

| by | Scripture: Acts 6:1-7

The devil has tried many tactics to stop the advance of the church, including distracting them from their calling.  In this message we examine his tactics and how the apostles overcame him by refusing to be sidelined from their primary calling to preach the word.


The Samaritans Receive The Gospel

| by | Scripture: Acts 8:5-25

In this message we examine the mission of Philip the evangelist to the Samaritans, who were at mutual animosity with the Jews for over 700 years. As the Samaritans receive the gospel, we see how our God is a missionary God, going out to save all of the nations of the world, not only the Jews.


The Making of a Missionary – Pt. 1

| by | Scripture: Acts 12:25-13:52

God is on mission to save sinners who are doomed to everlasting punishment.  As his church, we get to announce the good news of his salvation to all men – to be on mission with him.  In this teaching, we see some of the characteristics of the missionaries in the early church.


Grace Alone!

| by | Scripture: Acts 15:1-35

God accepts everyone on the same basis – by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.  Therefore, in this message we see the apostles and elders of the early church rejecting the teaching that Gentiles need to be circumcised and keep the law of Moses to be saved, and affirming that salvation is purely by grace!


Effective Missional Communities

| by | Scripture: Acts 15:36-16:10

A missional community is a group of believers who are on mission in a particular community to make disciples for Jesus. Today, as we read about the apostle Paul setting out on his second missionary journey, we will look at some of great characteristics of an effective missionary team.


Jesus Calls Out His People in Philippi

| by | Scripture: Acts 16:11-40

As Jesus uses his missionaries in Philippi to build his church, he uses both their personal witnessing to various people, the casting out of a demon from a fortune-telling slave girl, as well as an unjust imprisonment of Paul and Silas brought about by the angry owners of the slave girl, to make a church in Philippi consisting of people from very different backgrounds, including even the very jailor that was charged to watch over Paul and Silas as they were imprisoned.


People That Turn The World Right Side Up

| by | Scripture: Acts 17:1-15

Although God created our world perfect, sin has turned it on its head. As Paul and his team go about confronting sin and preaching the gospel of grace, their enemies say they are turning the world upside down, although they are really turning it rightside up! In this message we examine 4 marks of the kind of person who turns the world rightside up.


Who Is The Only True God?

| by | Scripture: Acts 17:16-29

Today, as in Athens 2000 years ago, we are tempted every day to worship idols, or false gods – by putting our hope and seeking our joy in created things, such as technology, entertainment, other people, etc. – rather than the one true God who created all things. When we put all our hope in created things, we will sooner or later be completely disappointed. Let’s listen as Paul brings us to the only true God, who is worthy of our worship.


Jesus The Risen Judge

| by | Scripture: Acts 17:30-34

Jesus Christ has been raised from the dead and he will judge the world on a day that God has appointed. How will you respond to this knowledge? Derision (laugh it off), delay (I’ll think about it later), or decision to repent and believe in Jesus?


The Lord’s Encouragement to Paul in Vanity Fair

| by | Scripture: Acts 18:1-17

The city of Corinth that Paul came to on his second missionary journey was like Vanity Fair in the book Pilgrim’s Progress: it was full of immorality and wickedness. Upon coming to Corinth, Paul was alone and prone to discouragement from of all of the persecution that he had suffered from city to city. In this message, we see how the Lord encouraged him by giving him friends, converts, and promises.


Jesus Triumphs Over Satan’s Stronghold

| by | Scripture: Acts 19:8-41

Many years ago Hal Lindsay wrote a book entitled, “Satan Is Alive And Well On Planet Earth.” And, you know what – he was right. Satan is alive and well on Planet Earth. But you know what – Jesus is More Alive and He’s More Well on Planet Earth! We’re going to see that truth as we come to Acts 19 today.


Paul Sets His Face To Go To Jerusalem

| by | Scripture: Acts 21:1-36

As Paul courageously travels to Jerusalem, we see 5 Powerful Principles for our own lives: the priority of Christian fellowship, the nature of New Testament Prophecy, our need to respect those with whom we disagree, the need to follow our convictions, and our need to be all things to all men.


Sharing Your Faith

| by | Scripture: Acts 21:37 – 22:21

Paul’s testimony before the angry Jewish mob provides us with many powerful principles for sharing our faith: having an earnest desire for the lost, finding common ground, emphasizing the inability of religion to save, relying on the sovereign initiative of God, and not resting until we see evidence of the supernatural work of God in their heart!


Paul On Trial

| by | Scripture: Acts 22:22 – 26:32

In Acts chapters 23-26 we see several things about the apostle Paul while he is on trial: he is consumed with the hope of the resurrection, he is compelled to preach Christ fearlessly, he was commissioned to call men to repentance, and he was committed to seizing opportunities for the gospel.


The Lord And His Servant

| by | Scripture: Acts 28:1-31

In Acts 28 we have an illustration of Paul’s description of his relationship to God — “the God to whom I belong and whom I serve.” In the first half of the chapter we see the Lord’s commitment to His servants and in the second half we see the servant’s commitment to His Lord.


God’s Sovereign Choice

| by | Scripture: Romans 9:1-24

God applies the gospel according to His sovereign choice. Before the creation of the world, He chose particular individuals to eternal salvation, not based on foreseen faith, but based only on His good pleasure alone.


God’s Irresistible Call

| by | Scripture: Romans 8:28-30

How does God apply the gospel? Those whom He has chosen for salvation He irresistibly calls to Christ. In this message we focus on the Originator, Objects, Omnipotence, Outcome, and Order of this great and mighty call of God.


Transformed By A New Master

| by | Scripture: Romans 6:15-23

Not only is the believer transformed by a new Joy and a new Union, but also a new Master. Whereas Sin was a hard taskmaster paying only bondage, misery, and death, God is a loving and kind Master granting holiness and everlasting life!


Transformed By A New Husband

| by | Scripture: Romans 7:1-6

The believer is transformed by a new husband. He has died to his old husband, the Law, and been joined to his new husband, Jesus Christ, in His resurrection glory. This new marriage gives the believer an entirely new motivation and power for living the Christian life.


Kindle Afresh the Gift of God

| by | Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:1-7

As we embark on an expository sermon series on 2 Timothy, we see Paul exhorting Timothy, his young friend and apprentice, to kindle afresh God’s gift to him, and serve the Lord with all his might, because there is a promise of life in Christ Jesus.


A Gospel Worth Suffering For

| by | Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:8-11

The gospel was Paul’s life. As Paul wrote 2 Timothy 1:8-11, he couldn’t mention the gospel without taking a little digression to open it up, showing us that it is a gospel that saves. This salvation was applied by an effectual call, granted on the basis of grace, planned before time began, accomplished by the death of Christ, and results in abolishing everlasting death for all God’s people!


Faithfulness To The Gospel

| by | Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:11-18

The church is called to be faithful to the gospel by spreading it, suffering for it, and safeguarding it.


How To Multiply Disciples

| by | Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:1-2

How can we at The Bridge fulfill our vision to “glorify God by making disciples who make disciples?” Listen in to find out!


What Is The Christian Life Supposed To Look Like?

| by | Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:3-7

What is the Christian life supposed to look like? Contrary to popular belief, the Christian life is to look like a wholly devoted soldier, a rule-keeping athlete, and a hard-working farmer — in other words, all out total commitment to Christ and His kingdom!


Dealing With False Teaching

| by | Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:14-19

In this message we see the Characteristics, Consequences, and Cure for False Teaching. Brian also gives some very practical counsel on how to study the Bible so that you are handling it accurately.


Useful To The Master

| by | Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:20-26

Do you long to be useful to the Master? In this message Brian explains that we can be used by God as long as we are Clean Vessels and Kind Servants.


How To Live In Difficult Times

| by | Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:1-17

Due to technical difficulties, this sermon was not recorded.
Biblically, the last days spans the entire period from Christ’s first coming to His second coming. How are we to live in these difficult days? Paul’s answer to Timothy is to avoid men who oppose the truth, and abide in the only source of truth.


Preach The Word! – Pt 1

| by | Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:1-5

In light of Paul’s imminent death, he charges Timothy to preach the word solemnly, Biblically, continually, and faithfully.


Preach The Word! – Pt. 2

| by | Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:1-5

We must preach urgently, fearlessly, evangelistically, and purposefully, because many have turned aside from the truth to myths.


The Time Of My Departure Has Come

| by | Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:6-8

When you come to the end of your life, will you die well? In this passage, Paul looks around, looks back, and then looks ahead. In so doing, he shares his secret of dying well with no regrets.


Paul’s Dying Emotions

| by | Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:9-22

In this last section in 2 Timothy we see the emotions flooding Paul’s heart as he waits in a prison cell to die. Paul is feeling lonely for fellowship, restless to learn, concern for Timothy, confident in Christ, and love for the brethren.


The Announcement of John’s Birth

| by | Scripture: Luke 1:1-25

In the message we begin a new sermon series on the Gospel of Luke. Brian introduces this gospel and then shows the 5 stages that Zacharias and Elizabeth passed through – Barrenness – Promise – Unbelief – Judgment – Fruitfulness.


Gabriel’s Visit To Mary

| by | Scripture: Luke 1:26-38

Mary, although a poor, unknown Jewish girl, was chosen by God to bear the Messiah. In this account, we have Gabriel’s message to her concerning the Person and Work of Jesus Christ.


2 Beautiful Godly Mothers

| by | Scripture: Luke 1:39-56

As Mary and Elizabeth meet together, we see in their speech their beautiful godly qualities.


The Tender Mercy Of God

| by | Scripture:

In Zacharias’ prophecy on the occasion of the birth of his son, he prophesied that God would send a Deliverer into the world because of His tender mercy. This Deliverer would redeem, save, forgive, and illumine His people.


The First Christmas Sermon

| by | Scripture: Luke 2:1-12

An unnamed angel preached the first Christmas sermon ever. It was preached to a congregation of shepherds in the open air. It was a gospel-centered, joy-producing message that the baby that was born was the Savior, Christ, and Lord!


Glory to God – Peace to Men!

| by | Scripture: Luke 2:13-20

The multitude of angels proclaimed that as a result of Jesus Christ coming into the world, God would receive glory, and the men of God’s good pleasure would receive peace!


2 Spirit-Filled Witnesses

| by | Scripture: Luke 2:21-38

Luke brings forth the witnesses of Simeon and Anna to give testimony of the glory of Jesus Christ, even as an infant. We can learn from them how we can be witnesses to Christ today.


The First 30 Years

| by | Scripture: Luke 2:39-52

In this text we have the only information about Jesus’ childhood. From it we learn from the example of Mary and Joseph for married couples, and from the example of Jesus for children and for all children.


The Ministry of John the Baptist

| by | Scripture: Luke 3:1-14

John the Baptist is undoubtedly one of the most unique and powerful individuals who has ever lived. In this sermon we saw John’s Method, Manner and Message.


Who Is Jesus?

| by | Scripture: Luke 3:21-38

Who is Jesus? His baptism reveals that He is the Son of God, while His genealogy reveals that He is the Son of Man. Without being fully God and fully man He could not save us from our sins.


Jesus’ Triumph Over Satan’s Temptations

| by | Scripture: Luke 4:1-13

In the Scripture, Adam, Israel and Jesus are all called the Son of God. Adam and Israel gave in to temptation and sinned against God, while Jesus remained faithful. Listen in to find out why that is so vitally important.


The Year of Jubilee Has Come!

| by | Scripture: Luke 4:14-21

Jesus was anointed with the Spirit to enrich spiritual paupers, release spiritual captives, give sight to spiritual blindness, and free from spiritual oppression. When He came, He ushered in the Year of Jubilee. However, to neglect, ignore, or reject Him is to face Him on the Day of God’s vengeance.


What Makes Men Angry Enough To Kill God?

| by | Scripture: Luke 4:22-30

What makes men angry enough to kill God? We discover that the people of Nazareth were so angry at Jesus’ sermon in the synagogue that they tried to throw him off a cliff! The reason was because they viewed themselves as too big and God as too small.


A Day In The Life Of Jesus Christ

| by | Scripture: Luke 4:31-44

Due to a technical difficulty this sermon was not recorded.
Ever wished you could follow Jesus around for just one day? This passage in Luke reveals to us what a day in the life of Jesus was like? Behold Jesus Christ, who gave Himself to intense spiritual ministry during the day, but then rose early in the morning to seek His Father’s face. What an example for us!


The Life of a Disciple of Jesus

| by | Scripture: Luke 5:1-11

In this story of Jesus directing Peter to a miraculous catch of fish we see four aspects of the life of a disciple of Jesus: his obedience, excitement, humility, and treasure.


Cleansing for Spiritual Lepers

| by | Scripture: Luke 5:12-16

Leprosy is a vivid picture of sin. In this message we look at the Plight of the Leper, the Actions of the Leper, and the Cleansing of the Leper.


The Authority Of Jesus To Forgive Sins

| by | Scripture: Luke 5:17-26

In the act of healing the paralytic Jesus reveals He is God, and that He has authority to forgive sins. Are you more like the religious leaders, the paralytic, or the four friends?


4 Inneffective Ways To Reach The Lost

| by | Scripture: Luke 5:27-32

What are some common mistakes we make in trying to reach the lost? In this message we contrast four ineffective ways we try to reach the lost with the way Jesus reached the lost.


Do You Have Religion Or Christ?

| by | Scripture: Luke 5:33-39

In Jesus’ answer to those who questioned why His disciples didn’t fast, He reveals that He has come to introduce a life of joy in relationship with God, and a completely different way of fasting, which is incompatible with the way the Pharisees fasted.


The Deadly Effects Of Legalism

| by | Scripture:

Legalism is deadly in the believer’s life, producing critical, controlling, cocky, and callous people. In this message we learn what legalism is, and how it manifests itself in our lives.


The Master’s Men

| by | Scripture: Luke 6:12-16

The 12 men that Jesus chose to be His apostles were plain, ordinary, common men, who were weak and sinful, just like you and I. God still delights in choosing the weak and foolish and base things of the world to confound the wise, so that all boasting must be in Him.


What Is Your Treasure?

| by | Scripture: Luke 6:17-26

You are blessed when everything is taken away but you still have Jesus. But you are cursed when you have everything but you don’t have Jesus. He is the Treasure – seek Him!


Unearthly Love

| by | Scripture: Luke 6:27-36

Jesus calls His followers to an impossible impossible level of love – that is if they are striving to love this way in their own strength. He calls us not to retaliation, or non-retaliation, but to unearthly love. Learn why he calls us to this kind of love and what the results are in this message.


The Sin Of Judging Others

| by | Scripture: Luke 6:37-45

Jesus’ command not to judge one another is perhaps the most popular verse of Scripture in the Bible. But what did He mean? Did He mean that we are never to make any judgments in any situation? Listen in to find out.


Who Is Going To Heaven?

| by | Scripture: Luke 6:46-49

In this illustration of the house built on the rock and the house built on the sand, Jesus communicates to us in no uncertain terms that only those disciples who evidence saving faith by a life of obedience will stand in the Judgment!


What Kind of Person Did Jesus Marvel At?

| by | Scripture: Luke 7:1-10

In this fascinating story of a Roman centurion’s faith in Christ, we have a beautiful example of the kind of person that Jesus marveled at. He displayed great love, great humility, and great faith.


The Heart Of Jesus For Those Who Suffer

| by | Scripture: Luke 7:11-17

The story of Jesus raising the widow of Nain’s only son, gives us a glimpse into the heart of Jesus for those who suffer.