Monthly Archives:: December 2017

Putting Lust To Death

| by | Scripture: Matthew 5:27-30 | Series:

One of the greatest problems in the church today is the problem of lust. In this message we answer 3 questions: How Sweeping is Lust? How Serious is Lust? How Can We Slay Lust? This message was given to give believers weapons and tools to put lust to death in their lives.


Putting Anger To Death

| by | Scripture: Ephesians 4:31-32 | Series:

As believers, how can we overcome anger in our lives? In this message Pastor Brian seeks to give helpful and practical suggestions to deal a death blow to sinful anger.


Putting Covetousness To Death

| by | Scripture: Hebrews 13:5-6 | Series:

We often tend to minimize the seriousness of the sin of covetousness, but Scripture is clear that it is deadly to our souls. In this message, we look at the Nature, Gravity, and Cure for Covetousness.


The Heart Of Simeon’s Joy: Christmas Every Day

| by | Scripture: Luke 2:22-32 | Series:

The Heart Of Simeon’s Joy: Christmas Every Day