Monthly Archives:: March 2016

Treasure in the Gospel

| by | Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:3-9 | Series:

Jesus said, “where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”. So what do you treasure, is it the gospel, your salvation?


Jesus Seeks And Saves Zaccheus

| by | Scripture: Luke 19:1-10 | Series:

The conversion of Zaccheus teaches us that Jesus was seeking us before we ever sought Him, and that salvation truly is of His free and sovereign grace.


How Should We Live Until Christ Returns?

| by | Scripture: Luke 19:11-27 | Series:

How should we live until Christ returns? Jesus answers that question with His parable of the Minas. What has the Lord entrusted you with? He is calling you to use it to advance Christ’s interests until He returns. Be faithful and eternal rewards await you!


The King’s Triumphal Entry

| by | Scripture: Luke 19:28-44 | Series:

As Jesus entered triumphantly into Jerusalem, there were two dominant and opposing emotions. The disciples experienced great joy and praise, while Jesus experienced great sorrow and grief as His heart broke for the devastation that would come upon the Jewish people.