Monthly Archives:: February 2015

What Does Jesus Value The Most?

| by | Scripture: John 12:1-8 | Series:

What do we truly value? What is the greatest evil in the world? In this sermon, guest speaker, Dave Wagner seeks to answer these questions. You might be surprised to learn the answers!
We apologize, but due to a technical difficulty, approximately the last 5 minutes of the sermon were not recorded.


The Passion Of Christ For The Church

| by | Scripture: Ephesians 5:25-32 | Series:

Jesus Christ is passionate about His Church and He demonstrates that through loving the church, giving Himself for the church, sanctifying the church, glorifying the church, nourishing the church, cherishing the church, and uniting Himself forever with the church. Because He is passionate about the church, so should every follower of Jesus!


4 Reasons You Should Join A Church

| by | Scripture: Acts 2:38-42, Heb. 13:17, Mt. 18:15 | Series:

It is God’s will for every Christian to commit himself to a local church. Why? In order to obey the one another commands, in order to obey and submit to his leaders, in order to restore those who fall into sin, and in order to follow the early church’s example.


Loving One Another

| by | Scripture: John 13:34-35 | Series:

Love for other believers is the greatest mark of Christian maturity, and is absolutely essential if any church is to be healthy. In this message Pastor Brian discusses why we are to love, who we are to love, how we are to love, and what will happen when we love.