[powerpress] Biographical Sketch of Amy Carmichael ______________________________ © The Bridge Permissions: You are permitted and encouraged to reproduce and distribute this material in any format provided that you do not alter the wording in any way and do not charge… Read more »
Read More...Posts Categorized: Blog
Lessons from the Life of George Mueller
In this biographical sketch at The Bridge church camp, pastor Brian looks at 3 lessons from the life of George Mueller: the supreme importance of finding happiness in the Lord, the supreme importance of meditating on scripture, and the supreme importance of faith and prayer in the believer’s life. [powerpress] Lessons from the Life of… Read more »
Read More...Biographical Sketch of George Whitefield
[powerpress] Biographical Sketch of George Whitefield ______________________________ © The Bridge Permissions: You are permitted and encouraged to reproduce and distribute this material in any format provided that you do not alter the wording in any way and do not charge a… Read more »
Read More...Biographical Sketch of Samuel Davies
[powerpress] Biographical Sketch of Samuel Davies Samuel Davies The great British preacher, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones once said to an audience of students at Westminister Theological Seminary in 1967, that “Samuel Davies is the greatest preacher you have ever produced in this country.’ Unfortunately, we Americans still do not know one of our greatest… Read more »
Read More...The Bridge Is Moving To A New Location!
We have some very exciting news! The Lord has provided a new facility to meet in on Sunday mornings. We will begin renting two of the meeting rooms at City Hall, beginning Sunday, February 2, 2014. For the first year, The Bridge met as a small core group in the Anderson’s living room on Sunday… Read more »
Read More...Kelly Salas’ Testimony
In our Sunday morning service on July 7, 2013 Kelly Salas shared an impromptu testimony of how God saved him by His grace.
Read More...I Have A Dream For Our Church
Recently I have been dreaming about what our young church could eventually look like. Here are my thoughts. I dream of a church: Where we grow primarily through conversions; not where we grow because Christians are being shuffled around from another church to ours. Where the make-up of the people is from many races, social situations and… Read more »
Read More...The Spiritual Awakening Of 1857
On August 17, the core members of The Bridge fasted and prayed for spiritual awakening in their own lives, their church, and the Sacramento area. Brian shared with them some information concerning the Spiritual Awakening of 1857 which began in New York as a noon time prayer movement which eventually spread rapidly through much of… Read more »
Read More...Can A Born Again Christian Fall Away and Be Lost?
Christians have debated for centuries over whether a truly saved person can lose their salvation. Probably the strongest Biblical passage for that position is Hebrews 6:4-6. This is what the text says, For in the case of those who have once been enlightened and have tasted of the heavenly gift and have been made partakers… Read more »
Read More...Baptism – June 3, 2012
Here are a few short videos of our first baptism at The Bridge. Brian gives a short teaching on baptism, and Angela and Kevin share their testimonies of how they came to have new life in Jesus Christ. These were the first two converts after a year of sowing gospel seed!
What Does It Mean to Be Led By The Spirit?
I have often heard Christians talk of “being led by the Spirit”, and what they mean is that the Spirit tells them to talk to this person about Christ, or take this particular job, or buy that home, or say a particular thing at a particular moment. In other words, it seems that the generally held view of “being led by the Spirit” is that a believer receives supernatural or mystical revelation to make correct decisions in life.
Read More...Who Is The Man In Romans 7? – Pt. 2
Have you ever wondered who Paul was describing in Romans 7:14-25? Was he a saved man or lost man? I believe he was an unregenerate man, and in this 2nd video in this series I’ll tell you why.
Who Is The Man In Romans 7? – Pt. 1
Have you ever wondered who Paul was describing in Romans 7:14-25? Was he a saved man or lost man? I believe he was an unregenerate man, and in this video I’ll tell you why.
New Idea for Door to Door Evangelism
I’m sure that the most threatening word in the English language for Christians is the word evangelism! We all know that Jesus has commanded us to preach the gospel to everyone and to make disciples of all the nations, but we are scared spitless to actually do it. In this video I show how we at The Bridge have been meeting people and sharing the gospel with them by going door to door and using a Belief Survey. Perhaps you might want to give it a try. It’s really not as hard as it might seem at first!
What Are The Spiritual Beliefs of our City?
Have you ever wondered what the real spiritual beliefs of the people in your city are? Well, we did, and we decided to find out.
Read More...Excited To Be On Mission
Have you ever found that the journey towards a goal can be just as exciting and fulfilling as having actually reached that goal?
Read More...God Yearns Jealously Over Our Spirit!
James 4:5 has always been a puzzling verse to me. I have always read it in the NAS, but recently I read it in the ESV, “Or do you suppose it is to no purpose that the Scripture says, “He yearns jealously over the spirit that he has made to dwell in us.” In the NAS, Spirit is captalized, referring to the Holy Spirit. In the ESV, spirit is not capitalized, referring to our own spirit. So, I began to meditate on the meaning of this text if it is referring to our own spirit.
Read More...Serving Our Neighbors On Halloween
This year we decided to do something a little different on Halloween. In the past, on Halloween, we would either leave our house to go to a church-related “Harvest Party”, or turn off the lights and lock the doors, so we wouldn’t have to deal with the “holiday”. However, this year, we were convicted that we were squandering a golden opportunity to redeem this pagan event and show love to our neighbors. After all, this is the one night of the year, when all our neighbors actually come to us!
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