I Have A Dream For Our Church

Posted by & filed under Church Plant.

Recently I have been dreaming about what our young church could eventually look like. Here are my thoughts.

I dream of a church:

  1. Where we grow primarily through conversions; not where we grow because Christians are being shuffled around from another church to ours.
  2. Where the make-up of the people is from many races, social situations and ages; not where the make-up is all middle-class, white, 20-somethings.
  3. Where every member is fully involved in loving and serving Jesus and extending His kingdom; not where most people are pew warmers and uninvolved spectators.
  4. Where lives are reclaimed from sin and actually made holy; not where people just become religious.
  5. Where we make much of Jesus; not where we make much of personalities or programs.
  6. Where we live out our Christianity in community throughout the week; not where we just see each other for a couple of hours on Sunday and forget about each other the rest of the week.
  7. Where the Word of God is the authority for everything and is faithfully and responsibly and seriously preached every week; not where the preacher’s emphasis is his own jokes or stories or ideas.
  8. Where the weighty issues of God, sin, judgment, heaven, and hell are taken seriously; not  where we pursue a chipper, feel-good, version of Christianity-lite.
  9. Where we are pursuing our joy and delight and satisfaction in God; not in sin or the fleeting joys the world has to offer.
  10. Where we are committed to staying together and working through problems and issues that arise in love; not where people run away when something happens they don’t like or makes them uncomfortable.

What a beautiful dream! So, what is your dream for the church?

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