Join us as Pastor Wade shows in Ephesians 5 that Christians should be wise with their time and to do the will of God.
Yearly Archives:: 2023
Singing and Giving Thanks to God
“And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ”
Ephesians 5:18-20
6 Essential Marks of the Christian Life, part 1
In this message Paul exhorts believers to pursue four great qualities in the Christian life: joy – humility – faith – prayer. May the Lord enable us to grow in His grace!
6 Essential Marks of the Christian Life, part 2
The last two imperatives Paul calls the church to embrace are Meditation and Obedience. May the Lord quicken us to pursue these two commands with all our might.
Be Subject to One Another
“submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.”
Ephesians 5:21
The Good Husband
“In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body. “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.””
Ephesians 5:28-31
The Secret of Contentment
It is the will of God that we as Christians are content. But how can we be content? Paul lays out the secret of contentment here in Philippians 4:11-13.
Giving That Glorifies God
What does the Bible teach about Christian giving? We can learn a lot about the giving of the Philippian church to support the ministry of the Apostle Paul.
Worship: The Chief End Of Man
We were created for God and His glory; therefore there is nothing higher than to worship God. This is the reason for our existence!
Read More...Worship: What Is It?
What is worship? In this teaching we survey the Old and New Testaments to answer that question. The answer may surprise you.
Read More...Community – Part 1
True spiritual community is absolutely indispensable for the church. It is where we live out the one-anothers of the New Testament and love one another as Christ has loved us.
Read More...Community – Part 2
True spiritual community is absolutely indispensable for the church. It is where we live out the one-anothers of the New Testament and love one another as Christ has loved us.
Read More...Mission – Part 1
Just as God sent Christ on a mission of mercy to save His people, so Christ as sent His church on a mission to reach the lost with the gospel. Are you engaged in that mission?
Read More...Mission – The Church As An Army
The Church has been called by Jesus Christ to be His army. We are to invade the kingdom of darkness, displace the darkness with His light, and rescue those who are the slaves of the devil.
Read More...Learning to Pray from Jesus
In this message, Pastor Brian is trying to help us learn to pray by examining the teaching of Jesus on prayer – what we commonly called “The Lord’s Prayer”.
Read More...Prayer – Learning from the Example of Jesus
What can we learn from the prayer life of Jesus? In this study we grapple with Jesus’ prayer life and learn to find Him spending whole nights in prayer. This challenges us to seek an interactive relationship with God as well.
Read More...Fasting: A Prayer Intensifier
In this study we survey the Biblical teaching on fasting. We seek to understand what a fast is, how long it should be, and why we should fast, among other things. Let’s listen with a heart to put these truths into practice!
Read More...3 Marks of Greatness in the Early Church
Luke, the author of Acts, gives us three marks of greatness of the early church. They possessed great grace, great fear, and great power. Of course all of this was because they had a Great God!
Preaching That Can’t Be Silenced
One of the most admirable traits of the apostles in the early church is their dogged determination to obey Jesus, no matter the cost.
Committed To Your Calling
It is so important that we are serving God according to our calling and gifts. In this message, Pastor Brian explores Acts 6 in which the apostles delegated ministry to seven other men, so that they could focus on their calling: the Word of God and prayer.
Stephen: Living Like Jesus
In this study of the life of Stephen we see a disciple who truly resembled Jesus Christ. Let us learn from him to go and do the same!
Stephen: Dying Like Jesus
Not only did Stephen look like Jesus in his life, but also in his death. All of us will die one day, unless the Lord returns. It is important not only that we live well, but that we die well. Stephen teaches us how to do that.
The Triumph of God Over Evil
Evil men may rage at God and His Church, but the Lord is able to bring His good purposes to pass, in spite of their enmity. See how the Lord did this through the great persecution of Saul in Jerusalem.
Marks Of A False Convert
Simon the magician is a good example of a false convert. He believed Philip’s message, was baptized, and continued on with Philip, but there were some things in his life that indicated he never became a true believer. This teaching urges all of us to test ourselves to see whether Jesus Christ is in us!
Partnering With God In Reaching The Lost
We have the incredible privilege of partnering with God in reaching the lost. Phillip, the Evangelist, shows us how it’s done in the story of his witness to the Ethiopian eunuch.
Conquered By Christ: Part 1
The dramatic conversion of Saul, gives us insight into what the Lord does when He converts anyone. The longsuffering, revealing, and subduing work of Christ are manifest in any person He saves.
Gentiles Cleansed By Faith
The conversion of Cornelius tells us that Religion Can’t Save, that God Takes the Initiative, that We Must Invite All, and that Racism is Sin.
The Amazing Grace of God in Antioch
In this study, we explore the amazing move of God in the City of Antioch, the first fully integrated church of Jew and Gentile in the history of the church. In this church, we see people serving according to their spiritual gift, and the result was amazing! May we go and do likewise.
Paul’s Calling into the Mystery of Gospel
To me, the very least of all saints, this grace was given, to preach to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ, and to enlighten all people as to what the plan of the mystery is which for ages has been hidden in God, who created all things;
Ephesians 3:8-9
God’s Masterpiece
For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.
Ephesians 2:8-10 NASB
Biographical Sketch of Amy Carmichael
Biographical Sketch of Amy Carmichael
The Folly Of Fighting God
At the beginning of Acts 12, James is dead, Peter is imprisoned, and Herod is growing in popularity. At the end of the chapter Peter is free, Herod is dead, and the word of God is multiplying. Let’s make sure that we are fully submitted to God, because it is utter folly to fight against God.
The Antioch Five
The church in Antioch was led by an amazing team – amazing in their diversity and in their devotion.
The Gospel Comes To Cyprus!
In this message we take a look at the missionary encounter on the island of Cyprus with a false prophet and the proconsul. God grants the victory!
Missional Practices For The Church Today
In Acts 13 we can discover 4 different missional practices the apostle Paul used when he was sent out on his first missionary journey. Let’s see if we can apply them to our own lives as well.
4 Marks Of An Effective Disciple-Maker
Paul and Barnabas were disciple-makers extraordinaire! In this message we notice their Passion, Persistence, Humility, and Love as they set about making disciples. May we follow in their footsteps.
Grace Alone, Through Faith Alone!
The early church had a difficult time sorting out where circumcision and obedience to the Mosaic law fit into their newfound faith in Jesus Christ. In Acts 15 we find them debating and hashing this out, until the Spirit made them of one mind on the matter.
When Christians Disagree
How should Christians handle it when they have disagreements with one another? In this message we seek to glean helpful information from the story of Paul and Barnabas’ sharp disagreement.
3 Trophies of Grace
In Acts 16 we find 3 trophies of grace: Lydia, the demonized slave girl, and the jailer. Can you identify with one of them? All of them show us the wonder of God’s sovereign grace!
Men That Turn The World Right Side Up
The world has been turned upside down by the Fall. God wants to use us to turn it right side up. Learn from the apostle Paul how we can do that.
Paul’s Sermon on Mars Hill
When the apostle Paul preached to the intellectual Gentiles in Athens, he used a completely different approach from his usual method of preaching to the Jews. In this message we explore his approach and how he gave them eight great truths about God.
Jesus Encourages Paul
When Paul was low in spirits and considering stopping his ministry in Corinth, the Lord Jesus appeared to him in a vision and encouraged him. We can find strength in His encouraging promises today.
Jesus Triumphs Over Satan’s Stronghold
In this message we see the revival that Jesus brought to the city of Ephesus as He triumphed over Satan’s strongholds!
What Was A First Century Church Meeting Like?
What were first century church meetings like? When did they meet? Where did they meet? Why did they meet? What happened when they met? Find out in this message?
Our Ministry to God, the Church, and the Lost
The Apostle Paul reviewed his ministry among the Ephesian Elders to give them an example of how they should minister to God, the church, and the lost. Let’s learn from his example!
Commitment To Do The Will Of God
Paul told the Ephesian Elders that he was committed to accepting his sufferings, fulfilling his ministry, and declaring the whole purpose of God. May we follow his example his example in these things!
Paul Charges The Elders To Shepherd The Flock
The duty of the elders is to guard their own life, feed, lead, and protect the flock.
Living In Light Of Eternity
Paul exhorts the Ephesian Elders to live for eternity by pursuing the Word of God, a life of Sanctification, and Faithful Stewardship.
Paul Sets His Face To Go To Jerusalem
Three dominant principles emerge from Acts 21:1-14:
1. The Importance of Making Christian Fellowship Priority
2. The Importance of Not Breaking Fellowship Over Secondary Disagreements
3. The Importance of Following Your Biblical Convictions Even When it is Painful
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