When we pray, we need to remember that the One we are addressing is both the sovereign, majestic, all-powerful Creator, and the loving, intimate, approachable Father.
What should be the primary focus and thrust of our prayers? Jesus teaches us that it should be God’s interests – His Name, His Kingdom, and His Will.
Not only does the Lord want us to pray about God and His glory, but also about man and his needs. In this sermon we explore the 2nd part of the Lord’s Model Prayer in which we see Jesus encouraging us to pray about food for our body, fellowship with our God, and faithfulness in our temptations.
No good thing will the Lord withhold from those who walk uprightly. Even when His answers don’t seem good to us at the moment, we need to trust that God is only giving us what is truly good for us.
What do we truly value? What is the greatest evil in the world? In this sermon, guest speaker, Dave Wagner seeks to answer these questions. You might be surprised to learn the answers!
We apologize, but due to a technical difficulty, approximately the last 5 minutes of the sermon were not recorded.
Jesus Christ is passionate about His Church and He demonstrates that through loving the church, giving Himself for the church, sanctifying the church, glorifying the church, nourishing the church, cherishing the church, and uniting Himself forever with the church. Because He is passionate about the church, so should every follower of Jesus!
It is God’s will for every Christian to commit himself to a local church. Why? In order to obey the one another commands, in order to obey and submit to his leaders, in order to restore those who fall into sin, and in order to follow the early church’s example.
Love for other believers is the greatest mark of Christian maturity, and is absolutely essential if any church is to be healthy. In this message Pastor Brian discusses why we are to love, who we are to love, how we are to love, and what will happen when we love.
The Bridge is going to begin meeting in homes! Does this mean we are some kind of crazy cult? Actually, the Bible has a lot to say about churches that meet in homes. Listen in to see the good, the bad, and the ugly about house churches.
While many churches are devoted to using entertainment to bring in new people, God’s prescription is very different. In Acts 2:42 we are told what the early church devoted itself to – Bible teaching, Fellowship, the Lord’s Supper, and Prayer. I believe we should emulate their example in order to have healthy churches today.
The Scriptures call the church to Every Member Ministry. If all believers will be faithful to minister to one another we can expect the result to be growth in Maturity, Unity, and Discernment in the local church.
What is the mission of the church? In addition to exalting God and edifying one another, the church is to evangelize the world. We do that through proclaiming the gospel, making disciples, and planting churches.
Giving is one of the most exciting things we can do as believers, because not only does God bless us back in this life, but we will receive heavenly treasures in the age to come!
Jesus is the risen Shepherd of the sheep, who offered the blood of the eternal covenant to reconcile His sheep to God, so that we could do His will. To Him be the glory forever!
Jesus has commanded us to make disciples. The big question is “how are we going to accomplish that?” In this message we look at a training process designed to help disciples reproduce and multiply.
Although Satan is a real and powerful foe, we need not fear him. Jesus has attacked and overpowered him, and taken away his weapons. He calls all of us to side with Him, and obey His word.
In Acts 16, we find two trophies of sovereign grace in Philippi: Lydia and the Jailer. The way the Lord brought them to repentance and faith was very different, but the fruits that came forth from their lives were very similar.
Willful unbelief is both very wicked and very dangerous. It is wicked because it always requires more proof, keeps people from coming to Christ and keeps people from repenting of sin. It is dangerous because it blinds people to the truth, and condemns them at the Judgment.
Jesus confronts the Pharisees and scribes with five damning sins that would take them to eternal judgment, if not repented of. Check out those five sins and see if any of them are popping up in your life.
Jesus warned His disciples how to face persecution in light of the judgment to come – flee hypocrisy, fear God, confess Christ, and honor the Spirit.
According to Jesus, our attitude toward money and possessions can cause us to live and die a fool. Find out how you can avoid making those deadly mistakes in this message.
The Lord Jesus has commanded His people not to worry. We can overcome worry if we will understand apply the 5 basic truths about worry that Jesus gives us in this passage.
Christ is coming, and He has commanded us to be ready. We do this, not by pinpointing the date of His return, but by making sure that He has our heart’s devotion every day.
Matthew 28:18-20, “Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (NLT)
Jesus came into the world to cast a wildfire in the earth. This is a fire consisting of His kingdom spreading throughout the world. We have the privilege of co-laboring along with Him to advance that glorious kingdom in the earth!
“There is a marvelous medicinal power in joy. Most medicines are distasteful; but this, which is the best of all medicines, is sweet to the taste, and comforting to the heart.” (C.H. Spurgeon)
We are guilty enemies of God by nature who owe God our worship and obedience, yet we have all failed to render Him what is His due. He will bring all men before the supreme court of the universe and exact justice. Therefore, it behooves us to make every effort to be reconciled to Him now, before it is too late!
When a calamity strikes, instead of asking “why”, Jesus teaches us what we can learn from it. His answer has to do with the doom of sinners, the necessity of repentance, and the great mercy of God.
In this story of Jesus healing a woman who had been bent over for 18 years, we see a picture of dead religion and a living relationship. Dead religion results in bondage, anger, callousness, and hypocrisy, while a living relationship is marked by freedom, joy, compassion, and genuineness.
The parables of the mustard seed and the leaven, show the external expansion, and the internal influence of God’s kingdom. Although the kingdom began very small and obscure and inconspicuous, it will have a glorious ending, spreading throughout the world, and influencing peoples from every quarter of the globe!
When someone asked Jesus if only a few people were being saved, Jesus exhorted him and everyone else who could hear Him to strive to enter through the narrow door. Why do we need to strive to enter the kingdom? Because the door is narrow, because the door will soon be shut, and because the door will never be re-opened.
The perfect example of Jesus Christ is graphically portrayed in this passage in His calmness, His consecration, and His compassion.
When Jesus was invited to a dinner party, He told them that they were pursuing the wrong practice, place, and people. In doing so, He confronted them with their sins of Hypocrisy, Pride, and Selfishness.
In this wonderful parable of our Lord, He teaches us of God’s lavish gift, man’s universal refusal, and the Spirit’s effectual call. Have you ever wondered why some respond to the gospel invitation, while most refuse? This parable will answer that question for you.
Unlike most of us, Jesus was not impressed by numbers of people. Instead, when large crowds followed Him, He sifted them, and thinned the ranks. He did this by telling them the Cost of Radical Discipleship – they must give up the people, comforts, and things that were most dear to them in order to follow Him. Then Jesus enforced this teaching by giving them three illustrations of the Dangers of Rashly Embracing Discipleship. Those dangers are Ridicule, Destruction, and Uselessness.
Luke 15 is one extended parable in three parts: the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son. In this message, we focus on the lost sheep and the lost coin, and see some fascinating truths – the total inability of the sinner, the sovereign grace displayed in our salvation, and the joy of God in His work of redemption. In this entire chapter Jesus is showing the scribes and Pharisees the Father’s heart of joy in seeking and saving the lost, which was diametrically opposed to their own heart which avoided contact with sinners at all costs. Do you look more like Jesus or the Pharisees?
What has been called “The Parable of the Prodigal Son” is really “The Parable of the Two Lost Sons.” Both sons of the father in this parable are lost. Both are alienated from their father. Both need to be reconciled. Both were only really interested in what they could get out of their father, instead of a relationship with their father. In this message we examine their alienation from their father, the effects of their alienation, and the remedy for their alienation.
Judgment Day, is it real? Do I have anything to fear? Is there anything that I can do to prepare for this day?
Due to technical difficulties the video/audio could not be recorded.
How can we use our money wisely? Jesus tells us in the Parable of the Unrighteous Steward. We are to invest our money in the right things (our eternal and future, and others eternal future), and we are to invest our money in the right way (faithfully, hopefully, lovingly).
In this passage we see six marks of religious people who are lost. They made money their God, opposed the truth, justified themselves, sought the applause of man, rejected the gospel of the kingdom, and bent God’s Word to suit their own desires.
Although no one likes to think about the reality of Hell, the Bible has a great deal to say about it. In this message we examine Jesus’ teaching on the rich man and Lazarus, and see in it 10 truths about Hell.
Jesus urges His disciples not to follow the example of the Pharisees, but instead to pursue love, forgiveness and faith.
What is the Biblical perspective on self? How did Jesus instruct His disciples as to how they should view themselves? With the extreme emphasis on self-esteem and self-love in the church, it is surprising that Jesus taught us to confess that we are slaves, unworthy, and undeserving of special thanks.
In the story of the Samaritan leper who returned to give thanks to Jesus we see a beautiful and powerful portrait of a passionate worshiper. Not only do we see his wretched condition, and obedient faith, but also his passionate worship. Let us go and do likewise.
How should the Second Coming of Christ impact our lives practically? We should refuse to: 1) be deceived by false Christs; 2) be preoccupied by this earthly life; 3) be captivated by the world; and 4) be overtaken by the Judgment.
God wants His people to cry to Him day and night for justice, until the Son of Man returns. In light of that, let’s remember our persecuted brethren, and lift them up to God regularly.
As Pastor Brian began a new mini-series on the Christian Family, he dealt with two implications of Ephesians 6:1:
1) The Apostle Paul Assumed That Children Would Be Present With Their Families In Church
2) The Apostle Paul Assumed That Children Could Be Saved.
Therefore, we need to beware of believing children don’t need to be saved, of not evangelizing children, and using unBiblical decisionistic methods to evangelize our children.
What is the right religion? How can we be right with God? In what spirit must we approach God? These are all extremely important questions that Jesus gives answers to in His parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector.
What is the duty of children toward their parents? In this message, Pastor Brian speaks directly to the kids of The Bridge, and shares the Word with them as to what God requires of them and why.
Fathers are called upon to take responsibility to discipline and instruct their children. It’s not the responsibility of the school, the church, or even mothers. They have brought an immortal soul into the world, and passed on to their children the curse of sin. As bearers of ultimate responsibility in the home, they must resist being passive, and labor for the salvation of their children.
What is the true meaning of Christmas? In our secular culture, it can be very difficult to discover. But thankfully, the Scripture makes it abundantly clear. Christmas reminds us that when our world was ruined and in misery, God did something about it, by sending His Son!
With 2015 almost over, and 2016 upon us, Pastor Brian exhorted The Bridge to serve the Lord with all their might, making every hour and every day count for eternity!
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