What is the “gift of healing”? In this study, we do a survey of the Old and New Testament teaching on divine healing, especially in relation to the ministry of Jesus Christ and His disciples.
Read More...Yearly Archives:: 2011
The Doctrine of Hell – Pt. 1
In this message we begin to explore what the Scriptures reveal about the afterlife for those that die outside of Christ. We’re going to ask a lot of questions like, “Who spoke most about hell?”; “How is hell described in the Bible?”; “Is anyone in hell right now?”; “What is the difference between Hades and Hell?”; “What Biblical images are used to depict hell?”; and “Will all men suffer alike in hell?”
Read More...The Doctrine of Hell – Pt. 2
In this message we continue our Biblical exploration of the Doctrine of Hell. We examine the arguments for the Doctrine of Annihilationism, as well as how those arguments might be answered from Scripture. We’ll also ask such questions as “Is the fire in hell a literal fire?”; “What is God accomplishing in hell?”; and “What should the doctrine of hell motivate us to do?”
Read More...Paul’s Use Of His Rights
1 Corinthians 8-10 comprise a single section in which Paul is teaching the Corinthians to be willing to yield their rights for the sake their brothers. In 1 Corinthians 9 Paul refers to his own example to be willing to give up his right to refrain from secular work as an apostle so that the gospel will not be hindered. This section touches on whether it is the will of God for those who labor to proclaim the gospel today to receive their living from the gospel.
Read More...All Things To All Men To Save Some
What did Paul mean that he had become all things to all men? How should we apply this principle in our own lives? Does it mean watering down the message or compromising with sin?
Read More...The Christian Life As A Race
Our Christian life can be compared to race. What is at stake in this race? How must we run this race? Join in this study to find out.
Read More...Take Heed Lest You Fall!
God has given us the examples of the children of Israel to demonstrate His judgment upon willful sin. In this passage Paul urges the Corinthians not to become self-confident and cocky simply because they were baptized and observed the Lord’s Supper. The Israelites had their own form of baptism and a sacred meal, yet they were laid low in the wilderness.
Read More...Flee Demonized Idolatry!
The Corinthians were wanting the “freedom” to eat the idol feasts at the pagan temples. Paul tells them to flee idolatry because they become sharers in demons.
Read More...Seeking The Good Of Others And The Glory Of God
Paul brings his teaching on meat sacrificed to idols to a close in this passage. He concludes the whole thing with 3 important commands. Also, listen for the 7 bonus questions at the end of the message which will really help when you are trying to decide whether you should engage in a particular activity or not!
Read More...Why Head Coverings?
Have you ever wondered about whether a woman should wear a head covering? This study focuses on this issue. Admittedly, this is a touchy issue, and comes from a confusing and obscure passage. Hopefully, our study will throw some light on this subject for those who are seeking to know what Paul was teaching on this subject.
Read More...The Lord’s Supper
Jesus gave His disciples 2 ordinances: one to celebrate a disciple’s entrance into the New Covenant community (baptism), and one to commemorate the basis for a disciple’s inclusion in the New Covenant community (the Lord’s Supper). We believe there has been much misunderstanding concerning the section dealing with “examining yourselves” before observing the Lord’s Supper. We hope that this message will bring light and clarity to this subject!
Read More...The Diversity of Spiritual Gifts
In 1 Corinthians 12-14 Paul launches into a 3-chapter discussion of spiritual gifts. In this message we are going to survey 9 different manifestations of the Spirit. We are continuationists who do believe that these manifestations of the Spirit are still available to the church today. However, we are Charismatics with a seatbelt! We hope you gain spiritual blessing from this study.
Read More...The Unity Of The Body
In this section, we find Paul’s extended teaching on the Body of Christ, especially the unity of that body. How does a person get into this body? What enemies did the Corinthians face regarding this unity? How should we live in the body so that we actively promote this unity? These are some of the questions that we seek to answer from this message.
Read More...The Greatest Of These Is Love
1 Corinthians 13 is arguably the best known chapter in the entire Bible – the famous Love Chapter. But how does this chapter “fit” in the context of spiritual gifts in chapters 12-14? What does this chapter teach us about the importance and definition of love? More importantly, what does it teach us about the duration of spiritual gifts? Are they still available to the church today?
Read More...Tongues and Prophecy
There are few subjects more controversial than the role of tongues and prophecy in the church today. But that is exactly the theme of 1 Corinthians 14. In this study we seek to learn the comparative value of tongues and prophecy in the public meetings of the church, and the regulations the apostle Paul placed upon the exercise of each. Listen in!
Read More...Women Keeping Silent In The Churches
Women are to keep silent in the churches! What in the world did Paul mean by that? In this message, we survey several different possible interpretations of this thorny passage, and decide which one makes the most sense from its context. If you’ve ever wondered what this passage means, this message is for you!
Read More...The Gospel Of Grace
The Gospel is the most wonderful news in all the world! In this passage, the apostle Paul gives an extended teaching on both the Content and the Power of the Gospel.
Read More...What If Jesus Didn’t Rise?
What difference does it really make whether Jesus rose from the dead or not? Find out as we examine the apostle Paul’s masterful teaching on the implications of Christ’s resurrection.
Read More...The Inevitable Results of Christ’s Resurrection
When Jesus rose from the dead, God set in motion certain things that must take place: the resurrection of His people, the destruction of His enemies, and the handing over of His kingdom. In this message we discuss the age to come in terms of resurrected bodies. May God whet your appetite for that day!
Read More...What Difference Does The Resurrection Make?
What is “baptism for the dead”? What does Paul’s reference to bad company corrupting good morals have to do with his discussion of the resurrection? This paragraph has many puzzling enigmas in it that we seek to sort out and see in its original context.
Read More...Our Resurrection Bodies
What will our resurrection bodies be like? In this passage the apostle Paul gives us the most detailed information about this intriguing subject that we have in Scripture!
Read More...The Swallowing Up Of Death
How did Jesus Christ conquer death? What obstacles did He have to remove? What is God’s will for us in light of the certain resurrection of our bodies? These are some of the questions we address in this message.
Read More...Paul’s Final Instructions to the Corinthians
What should guide us as we give to poor believers around the world? What can we learn from specific 1st century believers about serving the Lord? What are the specific exhortations that were on Paul’s mind when he closed out this letter?
Read More...How Does Jesus Continue To Do And Teach?
In this message, we begin our study of the Book of Acts. Brian begins by giving an introduction and overview of the Book of Acts. This is followed by examining the first 8 verses of chapter 1, and asking the question, “What did the apostles need in order for the risen Christ to continue to do and teach through them?” In this study we conclude by examining the subject of the baptism with the Holy Spirit.
Read More...Prelude to Pentecost
What was taking place during the 10 days prior to the pouring out of the Holy Spirit?
Read More...The Power of Pentecost
On the day of Pentecost, the Spirit came with extraordinary power. What significance does Pentecost have for believers today?
Read More...Peter’s Pentecostal Preaching
In this message we examine Peter’s first recorded sermon on the day of Pentecost. What things was Peter anxious to communicate to these unbelieving Jews? How was his preaching different from our preaching today?
Read More...The Dynamic Life Of The Early Church
In this passage of Scripture, Luke gives us a glimpse into the life of the infant church – and what a glimpse it is! It makes us long to see those days again!
Read More...A Miracle and a Message
Peter heals a lame man, and then launches into a Christ-centered message that results in a multitude of conversions.
Read More...Persecution and Prayer
See the unstoppable march of the early church as they are victorious over persecution, leading to powerful prayer.
Read More...The Greatness Of The Early Church
What was the secret of the early church’s greatness? Great grace, great fear, and great power!
Read More...Preaching That Can’t Be Silenced!
In this passage we see the dogged tenacity of the apostles to continue to preach and teach about Jesus in spite of fierce persecution. What an incredible example for us today!
Read More...The Devil’s Distractions
The devil has tried many tactics to stop the advance of the church, including distracting them from their calling. In this message we examine his tactics and how the apostles overcame him by refusing to be sidelined from their primary calling to preach the word.
Read More...Stephen: The Life And Death of a Spirit-Filled Man – Pt.1
In this message we examine the progress of Stephen, a man full of the Holy Spirit, as he did wonders and preached the truth with a power and wisdom that his opponents could not withstand. After he was falsely accused and seized, Jesus gave him the privilege to preach the truth before the entire Sanhedrin, and die as the first martyr of the church.
Read More...Stephen: The Life And Death of a Spirit-Filled Man – Pt.2
In this message we behold the uncompromising power of Stephen’s sermon to the religious crowd that was about to murder him. Just before he dies, he witnesses about the glory of the risen Jesus whom he sees standing at the right hand of the Father in heaven, and like Jesus, he dies asking God to forgive those who are murdering him.
Read More...The Sovereignty Of God Over Evil
In this message we see an encouraging example of how God uses the evil actions of men for good. What God had decreed in eternity, men will demand in time.
Read More...The Samaritans Receive The Gospel
In this message we examine the mission of Philip the evangelist to the Samaritans, who were at mutual animosity with the Jews for over 700 years. As the Samaritans receive the gospel, we see how our God is a missionary God, going out to save all of the nations of the world, not only the Jews.
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