Why Did Jesus Become A Man?

| by | Scripture: Hebrews 2:14-18 | Series:

Why Did Jesus Become A Man?

We learn in this text why Jesus became a man.  And what a glorious reason it was!


Teaching Notes:


Why Did Jesus Become A Man?

Hebrews 2:14-18

Intro: Read. Pray.

Summarize 2:5-13. Christ much superior to angels. God didn’t subject to angels world to come. Instead subjected it to men made in Christ’s image. He made little lower than angels, suffered & died, but now crowned with glory & honor. He is our forerunner. This our destiny! Then 10-13 author continues to speak of Christ’s humanity. 11 – all have one source; 12 – brothers; 13 – put trust in Him.
14 – He Himself partook of flesh & blood; 17 – He had to be made like His brothers in every respect; 18 – He Himself has suffered when tempted. Big Question: Why did Jesus become human? Was it to be Perfect Example? Was it to demonstrate Love? This passage gives 6 reasons.

1. To Die: through death: Pure Deity can’t die; angels can’t die. Only way for men to be saved was for a Perfect Man to die on their behalf. Father, Spirit, & angels can’t be Savior. the children: 10 – bringing many sons to glory; 11 – those who are sanctified; brothers; 13 – the children God has given me. Who are the children? Jn.6:37 (those who will come to Christ); 6:39 (those whom Jesus will not lose but raise up on last day); 10:27-29 (His sheep who hear His voice, known by Christ, follow Christ, receive eternal life, will never perish); 17:2 (ones from whole world to whom Jesus gives eternal life); 17:6 (ones whom Jesus manifests His name to); 17:24 (ones who will be with Jesus to see His glory). Chosen ones! partook of the same – voluntary. We had no choice but to be flesh & blood. He voluntarily entered our world. Great condescension! Like becoming ant to save colony of ants! Infinite Creator become one w/ creation! Phil.2:6. If we would ever be like Him, He must be made like us. If He would ever give us His Spirit, He must take on our flesh. If we would ever be partakers of the Divine Nature, He must partake of human nature.

2. To Destroy the Devil: destroy: “render powerless” – doesn’t mean loss of being but loss of well-being; nullify or bring to nothing. Devil still around doing mischief, but his power to destroy “children” gone! Col.2:15-disarmed; 1Jn.3:8-destroyed works of devil. Power of death: how? Only weapon devil has to destroy us in death is our unforgiven sin. Nobody goes to hell cuz possessed or oppressed of devil. All devil can do is fight to keep you sinning and keep away from Christ who forgives sin. If your sin forgiven, devil is disarmed. Nothing he can do. You stand righteous; God is for you. Devil can’t destroy you.

3. To Deliver Those Enslaved to the Fear of Death: death terrifying even to atheists. Not consciously. But must find ways not to feel intolerable fear they have. Most deny it. Refuse to think about the inevitable. Don’t speak of someone who died; say “passed away.” Driven to shut eyes & blank minds to every thought will die & stand before God. / I don’t fear death any more; I embrace it! It’s the gate into Paradise. Not crazy about dying, but long die & be with Christ; that is very much better! Not until reach this point that can really live. Chinese missionaries to Asia – 4 questions? Do you know Lord? Know Bible? Know Culture? Ready to die?

4. To Make Propitiation for Sins: it is not angels that He helps: “helps” = helps to deliver from sin & death. Reprobation: passes by. No possibility of salv. for fallen angels. Their case is absolutely hopeless. All have to look forward to is judgment in hell. Offspring of Abraham: who are they? Gal.3:29. make propitiation: how does Christ destroy devil? Notice incarnation in 14 & 17. Tells us that 17 telling us how destroyed death – by making propitiation for sin. Sin is devil’s tool – Christ paid penalty of it, forgives us. Devil’s power over us broken! What is propitiation? Sacrifice that turns away God’s wrath. Do you think God is angry? Over 600 references to His wrath or anger in Bible! This is heart of gospel! God’s holiness, righteousness & justice burns against sinners! But also loves them. Had several options: 1) could let all go to hell (would be just); 2) could save all of them; 3) could save some of them. Chosen #3. But to do so had become one of them. Could not remain aloof, detached as Pure Deity & save. Since man sinned & brought death & curse; another Man must come & live righteously & die for sin to abolish death & restore all back to Paradise. Can’t punish animals or angels – they not responsible for our crimes. But no man would do – all sinned. Only Perfect Man, Real Man. Only Jesus. He qualified to pay our debts cuz had no debts of own. Surety: one who assumes responsibility for another’s debt if default on loan. Just cuz Christ made propitiation doesn’t mean His wrath automatically removed from you. Must believe & repent & follow. Jn.3:36. Are you following?

5. To Become A Merciful and Faithful High Priest: merciful and faithful: merciful manwards; faithful Godwards. High Priest: one who represents a people & offers sacrifice for them. Catholic Priest: idea is that in Eucharist Christ is sacrificed again for sins & He by saying holy words able to turn bread and wine into flesh & blood. Host = victim. There is no approach to God w/o a priest, mediator, go-between. Jesus is only Priest qualified. 1Tim.2:5. in the service of God: even as my high priest, Jesus is serving God! Even when dying, dying for God! We not center of universe – God is! Eph.5:2. We beneficiaries, not center.

6. To Help Us in our Battle Against Temptation: He suffered when tempted: why is He merciful priest? 4:15. Sympathizes w/ us. Has been tempted, has suffered. Knows what it’s like to be hungry, tired, thirsty, sleepy, suffer, die, tempted. Can relate to us. Able to help: means “run to aid of”. Like small child who has fallen & scraped knee & crying. He’s able & willing to help. But doesn’t automatically give victory over temptation. When I’m tempted to lust, or pride or selfishness what can I do? 4:14-16. Draw near to the throne of grace. How often do this when tempted? Ignore God’s voice & go on? Must learn to go to Him!


1. Those Who are Not Followers of Jesus: surrender! Believe! Repent! Follow! Offers life, forgiveness, salv., joy, glory! But to have His life, must die to your life. Don’t add Him to your life to make it better. Exchange your life for His!

2. Followers of Jesus: Follow Jesus’ example. Jn.20:21. We must incarnate gospel. Must see self as missionary – one sent. Must become one with sinners. Must clothe gospel in flesh & blood. Do you see yourself as missionary? Study to understand people, then tell of Christ!

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