Prayer Warriors

| by | Scripture: Ephesians 6:18-24 | Series:

How does prayer “fit” in the believer’s life? How is it related to the spiritual warfare we are in?  Do you see yourself as a prayer warrior?  If not, I hope this message will help to change your mind!

Teaching Notes:

Prayer Warriors

Ephesians 6:18-24


Intro:  Read. Pray.  W/ measure of regret come to last study in great book. 32nd message.

Often in Christian circles we will hear someone talk about someone as a real “prayer warrior.”  Conjures up picture of person constantly in prayer, around the clock. When we hear of a “prayer warrior” I suspect we regard this individual with a sort of awe and reverence.  Feel, we could never be like them; out of our league. But Eph.6:18-24 declares that every Christian is a prayer warrior!  There are not to be 2 different classes: prayer warriors and non-prayer warriors.

Remember that 6:18 follows right on heels of 6:10-17 which speaks of Spiritual Warfare. In fact, vs.18 does not even start new sentence. The sentence which begins in vs.14 & concludes at 20. Literally, “by means of all prayer & petition, praying at every time in the Spirit, & watching to it in all perseverance and petition concerning all the saints.”  Vs.18-20 part of thought that begins with “Stand firm, therefore.”  How do we stand firm against devil? By putting on full armor of God (14-17) & prayer (18-20). Since we are all soldiers for Christ in midst of a war, we are warriors. Since one of ways we do battle against devil is through prayer, we are all prayer warriors! Must begin to see selves in this way, so will act rightly!

Prayer is not linked with any 1 piece of armor — probably cuz so vital, & all-encompassing that can’t be identified w/ just 1 piece, but is the very spirit in which we are to clothe ourselves w/ all the armor.  In prayer we remember the Truth, our Right, the Gospel, exercise Faith, our Salv, & Word of God.  Thus, though not mentioned as 1 of pieces of armor, is still powerful tool to use in Spiritual Warfare!

Doesn’t matter how many weapons we have, if get cut off from commanding officer, we’re dead meat! We are soldiers fighting against devil, but to be effective must be in constant communication with Jesus Christ or will be vulnerable!


1.   When Are We To Pray? “at all times”

W/o ceasing – 1Thess.5:16; at all times ought to pray & not lose heart – Lu.18:1; Paul’s example – 1:15-16. Prayer is round clock job. Kind of like a mother – job is never done. Are never to let down our guard, but like sentry on marching up & down walls of fort keeping watch. Never be relegated to “devotions”. Prayer like breathing. Do it constantly, no matter where or what doing. Must be constantly in touch w/ God. Not jsut times of distress or calamity. Boy in Plastic Bubble. Prayer is bubble we live in. Keep receiver off hook. Never have to say when pray, “Lord I come into Your presence” cuz never left it. Means to live in continual God-consciousness. Everything exp. becomes kind of prayer lived in deep awareness of & surrender to God. When tempted, receive something good, see evil, meet non-christian, encounter trouble, PRAY! True, we’re not always in mood to pray, but when feel like praying least, need to pray the most!


2.   How Are We To Pray?

a.   With All Prayer & Petition: great variety; manifold.  All kinds of prayer & petitions. Private, public, spoken, silent, stated, spontaneous, intercession, supplication, thanksgiving, petitions, confession, worship, groanings, crying, shouting, whispering, sitting, kneeling, standing, raising hands, eyes open, eyes closed. Use every conceivable kind of prayer – any and all that is appropriate!

b.   In The Spirit:  sometimes refers to praying in unknown tongue – 1Cor.14:14-15. Can’t mean that here, cuz Paul exhorting ALL believers to this praying. Not all have tongues – 1Cor.12:30. Thus, must be form of prayer that all can perform. Refers to praying in power of Spirit, not energy of flesh. By the aid & assistance of Spirit. Prompted & fueled by Spirit of God. Spirit should be engine which drives prayer. Look to H.S. to enable prayer. Fervent, earnest in contrast to empty, repetitious prayers recited by rote. Learn to pray for those things Spirit prompting you to pray for. Give vent to inward breathings & longings of Spirit of God. When Spirit prompting to pray for someone’s salv., give self to it! Stop whatever doing, & pray in the Spirit.



c.   Being On The Alert:  verb means “keeping awake, being watchful.” Must be on look out for all saints. When see one is in warfare, pray! When 1 falls, pray! Be on look out against Satan, temptation, sin, danger! 1Pet.5:8; Col.4:2 – here carries idea of being alert in prayer; fighting drowsiness, mind wandering.  Mt.26:41. Prayer & watching go together like hand & glove.

d.   With All Perseverance:  keep praying for all saints no matter what. Refuse to throw in towel & give up! Saint may be drifting, stumbling, falling – persevere in prayer! Might feel like hopeless case – persevere! Satan may be ripping into them – getting tired of praying w/ seeing no fruit – persevere! Refuse to give in – victory’s coming if persevere!


3.   Who Are We To Pray For?  “all the saints”

All saints are fellow soldiers in war. Flaming missiles being fired at them from all directions. Need support & help of rest. We’re in this thing together. Need to get away from individualistic, self-absorbed Christianity. All stand as unit; none stand alone. Too often today: “if only I stand, I’m satisfied.” Must be concerned for all brothers & sisters. When they receive a wound, we’re rushing to their side. When devil gets in hand to hand combat, we rally w/ prayer & surround him on all sides. Need to think of selves as an army working together, not individuals fighting alone! Success of 1 is success of all. Defeat of 1 is defeat of all. We are united, & all fighting for common cause. One of most important things in house churches – Prayer! Should be one of things give greatest time to! Remember during the week to pray for saints.


4.   What Are We To Pray For?

a.   Victory Over The Devil:  if praying for all the saints in warfare, evident praying that each believer will stand against Him in victory. When smoke clears & battle over, each saint will be standing, while his enemy is lying dead beside him. Pray each other obedient in temptation, victorious in warfare, successful in skirmishes.

b.   Make Known Gospel With Boldness:  many things Paul could have asked prayer for: healing for raw & sore ankles from shackles, deliverance from Prison. Gospel is reason for his chains, but no regrets. Rather asks for boldness to continue proclaiming it!  What’s in Paul’s mind? Day when would stand before imperial court (perhaps Emperor himself to whom had appealed his case) to give defense. On one hand is prisoner before Judge, but on other is Ambassador of King of kings, delivering His message to pagan emperor. Would have to give account of his doctrine. We should pray for others when have a God-given, heaven-sent opportunity to bear witness to Christ. When learn of other’s opportunities, pray fervently!


Conclusion:  21-22 Tychicus bearing letters to Col & Eph & returning Onesimos to Philemon. Associate of Paul when took gift to Jerus. church.  23-24 Paul wishes & prays for richest of blessings on them; not physical, but spiritual blessings. Peace, love, faith & grace.  Incorruptible = immortal. True Christian love is permanent, unfading. Its flame may flicker & grow low at times, but never extinguished! Enduring & abiding love that perseveres. 1Cor.16:22

When? all times.  How? w/ all kinds of prayer, in spirit, on alert, persevering. Who? all saints. What for? victory over devil; making known gospel w/ boldness.

God made you Prayer Warrior – think of self that way cuz exactly who are!


© Stone Bridge Ministries


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