Jesus: Much Better than the Angels

| by | Scripture: Hebrews 1:4-14 | Series:

Is Jesus Michael the archangel as the Jehovah’s Witnesses teach? Is He a created being, or is He the creator of all other beings. What rank does He hold? Tune in to see.

Teaching Notes:

Jesus:  Much Better Than The Angels

Hebrews 1:4-14

Intro: Review. Writer showing glory of Christ. Theme of entire letter is Superiority of Christ. So, shows us that Jesus is God’s Last word to man, Heir of all things, Creator of all things, Visible Image of Invisible God, Upholder of All Things, Purifier of Sins, and King of the Universe! Wow! Talk about a great resume!

In this section, writer goes on to compare Jesus to the angels. Vs.4. “Become” – something took place in time that caused Jesus to “become” much better than the angels. When did He “become” much better than the angels? When He had made purification of sins and sat down at right hand of Majesty on high! Phil.2:8-11. Eph.1:20-22. When Christ became man, He was made a little lower than the angels (2:9). But when He finished Father’s work, He was raised to a dignity far superior to that of highest angel. His place is on throne; their place is before it. They are servants; He is ruler. That is an acquired superiority. Also an inherent superiority: “He has inherited a more excellent name” – from all eternity He has inherited name “Son of God”. He is Creator – they are creatures. Christ has both acquired and inherent superiority to angels.

Now apostle proves Vs. 4 by 5-14. Verse 4 is text, 5-14 are the sermon. Quotes 7 OT passages to prove Jesus is much better than the angels. Write proves Jesus better than angels by things God has said. Let’s notice first what this chapter has to say about Jesus, then what it has to say about the angels.

1. Jesus Christ:

Jesus is the Son of God: Ps.2:7; 2Sam.7:14. True angels as a class are referred to as “sons of God” in Job 1:6. But no individual angel ever called God’s Son. Jesus is God’s unique one and only Son. “Today I have begotten You.” – Ps.2:7 refers to resurrection and ascension to throne. Acts 13:32-34. Today refers to day raised from dead. How was Jesus “begotten” at His resurrection? Col.1:18 “firstborn from the dead.” Rom.1:4. 2Sam.7:14 is prophecy made to David that would raise up one of his descendants to sit on His throne. Messianic. If Christ given a name never given to angels, He is superior to them!

Jesus is to be worshipped by Angels: 1:6; Ps.97:7. what is meaning of “again.” Some believe talking about 2nd coming of Christ. But no mention here of a first coming. Best to interpret it to merely mean Apostle giving another OT quote to prove Christ superior. “Firstborn” – refers to place of highest rank and honor. Obviously if angels commanded to worship Jesus Christ, He is superior to them!

Jesus is to rule over an Eternal Kingdom: 1:8-9,13. Ps.45:6-7. Notice that God says Jesus is God! Also says He is a King, and that kingdom is forever. Refers to His righteous scepter. Scepter is the emblem of royal power. Jesus has been exalted by Father to King of Universe as result of obedience unto death. It is reward for His sufferings. Now has all authority given to Him. Relationship between Christ and the angels is like relationship between a King, and his loyal subjects who wait upon him. Ps.110:1 – from cross to 2nd coming, Father making Jesus’ enemies to bow in subjection to Him as are converted. When Christ returns all remaining enemies will be footstool for His feet. Only problem – now it’s too late. Every knee will bow, but not be saved then!

Jesus is the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth: 1:10-12. Same as 1:2 “through whom also He made the world.” Creator more excellent than creatures. Entire starry universe created by J.C. with its millions of galaxies. / Not only is Christ the creator, but one day will destroy it – 12 (You will roll them up). 2Pet.3:10,12. Clothes get old and eventually have to be thrown out, and have to buy new ones. World is that way. Jesus is not that way. He is an eternal being, without beginning and without end. He never deteriorates, gets worse, needs to be fixed, or repaired. He is always perfect in His being.

2. The Angels:

Winds: invisible – 1:14 (spirits), powerful – 2 Kings 19:35, travel rapidly.
Ministers: means servants. Jesus is King, they are His servants.
Flame of Fire: 1) instruments of God’s judgment (Gen.19:13; Mt.13:41-42); 2) the brightness and terrifying appearance of the angels (Judges 13:6; Mt.28:3-4; 3) the zeal in which they serve God (Ps.103:20).

Spirits: not human; have no human bodies unless assume them briefly to fulfill God’s mission.

Sent Out: not governing spirits; not given orders to rule. They take orders from God – don’t give orders.

Render Service: entire race of created beings made for sole purpose of serving God and us!

Those who will inherit salvation: future tense. Who are they? God’s elect; those He has chosen before foundation of world! They don’t serve those that won’t inherit salvation.


Jesus Must Have The Pre-Eminence in your Personal Life!
Col.1:18. If He does not have first place in your life, must repent! If anything else is first place in your life, you are worshipping idols.

Jesus Must Have The Pre-Eminence in your Theology! He is NOT equal to all other gods. He is not on a par with Vishnu, Allah, Krishna, Buddha, etc. He is the true and living god, and these are false gods. Christianity is not just 1 religion among many valid religions. It is the only true religion, all others are false!

Jesus Must Have the Pre-Eminence in your Church!
If your church does not hold up Jesus Christ as Lord, God, Creator, Redeemer, and Coming King – run! Acts 4:12; John 14:6. Only 1 way of salvation – not human works. It is work of Jesus Christ!

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