A Vision of the Throne Part 1

| by | Scripture: Revelations 4:1-4 | Series:

Studies in the Book of Revelation
Studies in the Book of Revelation
A Vision of the Throne Part 1

In this message we begin a series of sermons on the worship in heaven we read of in the book of Revelation. God on the throne is the entrancing focus of all heavenly worship!


A Vision of the Throne Part 1

Revelation 4:1-11



I would like to begin a new series of studies this morning on the subject of worship. I can’t fathom how there could possibly be anything more important for a child of God than worship! Worship is the ultimate priority for the Christian.  Worship is the reason for our existence.  We were made to worship. The problem is that we have turned aside from worship of the true and living God and instead we worship and serve the creature rather than the Creator who is blessed forever.


We can speak of Christians as “believers.”  Sometimes Christians have been called “repenters.”  Sometimes they are called “followers” (disciples). I want to submit to you that another way we can refer to Christians are “worshipers.” Of course millions of people in the world claim to be worshipers.  But a Christian is a worshiper of the true and living God of the Bible through Jesus Christ.


So where would we go in the Bible if we want to see true worship in all its beauty and perfection?  I believe the best we place we can go is the Book of Revelation, because in this book we see how God is worshiped in heaven.  There we see how we will all worship God one day.  Wouldn’t it be important for us to learn about how we will be worshiping one day, and see if we can begin to worship that way now?  There is no sin in heaven. No blemish, no error, no imperfection.  So I want to invite you to join me as we ascend into heaven for the next several weeks to behold what goes on there in terms of the worship of the living God.


Have you ever wondered what heaven is like?  We will get some answers this morning. Granted, the answers come in symbolic form, but the truth behind symbols will be revealing. 1:1 – In the NASB it says “communicated.”  Literally the word means  = “He signified it”.  Communicated through signs (symbols).  Book of Revelation is Apocalyptic Literature.  Uses sensational and dramatic symbols to make its point (dragons, lions, lampstands, eating a book, 7 heads & 10 horns).  Not intended to be taken literally.  We need to keep that in mind as we seek to understand this book. Let’s be aware of the symbols, and then seek to understand the truths those symbols represent.



Ch.1 – John sees vision of Risen, Exalted Christ.  Ch.2 & 3 – John receives 7 letters to 7 churches of his day in Asia Minor, from Jesus Christ.


 4:1   “After these things I looked” – refers to John receiving new vision as the scene shifts.  Ch. 4 begins new section. Runs through Ch. 5.

“Behold” – wonder & astonishment! Exclamation.

    “A door standing open in heaven” – As if God were inviting John to enter the door into heaven to see what it was like there!  Interesting:  Rev.3:20 – when Jesus stands at door of church and knocks, He finds it closed to Him.  When John stands at door of heaven he finds it open to him!

    “The first voice which I had heard…like the sound of a trumpet” – 1:10.   In 1:10-19 John hears a voice. It turns out to be the voice of Jesus Christ.

    “show you” – Rev.1:1. That is why this book is called Revelation. Jesus Christ is revealing what must take place.


  4:2  “in the Spirit” – compare 2 Cor.12:1-4.  Paul also caught up into 3rd Heaven. Didn’t know if he was in his body our out of it.  In other words, Paul was “in the Spirit”.  He was no longer constrained by time or space.  John lifted beyond human senses to have a transcendent experience to hear what human ears could not hear and human eyes could not see.  Under control of Spirit and taken out of the time/space dimension.


  1. Notice The Throne: “behold”. – exclamation of wonder!  Used 13x in 11 verses.  11x speaks of throne of God.  2x speaks of thrones occupied by 24 elders.  Throne of God occurs 39x in book of Revelation.  The main focus of John’s vision of heaven is the Throne!  It is the very first thing he sees. It filled his gaze. He could not miss it.


When you and I arrive in heaven, what will be our focus? What will dazzle our eyes? What will be the focus of our attention, love and worship?  When I talk to people about heaven, a lot of the time they say that what they are looking forward to in going to heaven is seeing their Mom or Dad or son or daughter or brother or sister who died before them.  Sometimes people even talk of being with their dog or cat who died, as though that would be the treasure of heaven for them.  The glory of heaven is not the  streets of gold, the pearly gates, or the glorious angels!  It is the ONE sitting on the Throne!


2. Notice Who is On the Throne:


  1. Who is this One? Doesn’t tell us here. Only says “One” and “He” (4:2-3).  Later in 4:8-9 He is described more in more detail.  Here describes Him as the Lord God, the Almighty,  the One who was and who is and who is to come.


Who typically sits upon a throne?  A King of course.  Kings usually reside in palaces.  Where is this throne?

Rev. 7:15 “For this reason, they are before the throne of God; and they serve Him day and night in His temple”

Rev. 16:17 “Then the seventh angel poured out his bowl upon the air, and a louid voice came out of the temple from the throne, saying, “It is done.”  This King is in a temple. This King is so great, so majestic, so lofty and exalted, that He is to be worshiped in His temple.  This  teaches us that He is not just a King we must submit to, but the way we submit to Him, is by worshipping Him!


  1. What does the Throne Signify? God rules heaven and earth!  He is Sovereign!  Throughout the book of Revelation, John sees from 2 different vantage points – He sees from the earthly perspective and from the heavenly perspective.  In chapters 2-3 John sees earthly things – the situation of the seven churches. In these visions we find the church being persecuted by the giant power of Rome. Believers were being intimidated, and some would die for their faith. But God wants them to know the true heavenly situation. There is One on a throne, ruling, working all things after the counsel of His will.  Assures them that He not only knows the events of history, but He decrees and controls them! Events here often seem chaotic and confusing.


Think of the War Room of Supreme Headquarters of Army.  The U.S. is currently at war.  In this room is a large table with a map upon it which someone places clusters of little flags. We see someone moving these flags from one position to another. The flags represent units of military command. Movement means that an order has been issued that troop movements must take place, and flags are moved to reflect the positions the troops must occupy.  Strange symbols of John’s vision are like flags. Jesus says to John, step into the War Room, and see what I have decreed to take place.  4:1 – “what MUST take place”.  Not, what will take place – foreknowledge.  “Must” refers to divine predestination.


Application:  World History Is All Being Governed By our Sovereign God:  He’s on the throne! All events of chapters 6-18 come to pass because He ordains them. “What MUST take place.” World history has not been left to chance, luck, or fate. The rise and fall of world powers and nations is all happening according to God’s predetermined plan.  God wasn’t caught off guard when Hitler ruled Germany, or Caesar ruled Rome. Rom.13:1, “There is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.”  Whenever you become fearful or troubled about things going on in this world, remind yourself that God is still on the throne!



  1. How is God Described? Like a Jasper and Sardiusnotice he doesn’t really describe God. He tries to, but is having a hard time. Best he can do is say God is LIKE 2 different stones.


Imagine you went to Papua New Guinea, where people still live in stone age, and tried to explain electricity to them.  “I’m going to teach you about electricity today. You don’t even have a word for it, so I’m going to teach you a new word.  It’s kind of like a powerful spirit that runs along hard things that are kind of like vines, that we stretch from tree to tree.  We chop the tree down, cut off all its branches and then put it back into the ground again, so we can hang all these hard vines on them so powerful spirit can travel really fast. On one end of these really hard vines is a place where we pump this spirit. We can connect them to a special box in your mud hut. If you connect those vines to your thatched roof, the Spirit will go in there, so you can have your own little sun in your mud hut!  Haven’t said anything about protons, neutrons, ohms, volts, amps, semiconductors.  But these tribespeople are utterly clueless about what you are talking about.  What’s matter with these people? Are they stupid? No! The problem is an utter lack of experience in this area. They lack the categories necessary to imagine what electricity is. How shall John explain God!  There are no earthy categories to describe Him!


          Jasper:  closest thing we have to compare jasper with is a diamond. 21:11 “The holy city coming down from heaven from God, having the glory of God. Her brilliance was like a very costly stone, as a stone of crystal-clear jasper.”  It is crystal clear, kind of like ice, or a clear mountain like, like Lake Tahoe.  God appeared as a jasper stone in that He is glorious! A diamond reflects and refracts light. It sparkles, shimmers, and is transparent. Light passes through it so easily it can be painful to the eye.

   Sardius:  It had a blood red color. When light passed through looked like a smoldering fire. God wraps Himself in light as with a garment. God’s clothing is His glory, His radiance. God appeared to Moses as a burning bush. He appeared to Israel as a fire by night. He appeared to Paul as a very bright light at noonday. God dwells in unapproachable light. The angels who have stood in His presence, appear to us mortals as glorious shining creatures. Even Moses’ face shone when He came down from the presence where He had been in communion with God. The jasper and the sardius stones must represent the beauty, splendor, and glory of God.  Remember, John is trying to describe the indescribable. The best John can do is compare God’s brilliance to the most beautiful and dazzling of gemstones.


God on His throne must have appeared to John as powerful and majestic light reflecting and refracting off of precious stones and filling all of heaven with His glory!


Application:  God Is The Entrancing Focus of all of Heaven:  not deceased friends and relatives, not holy angels, not streets of gold, or pearl gates, not Fifi or Rover or Spot. God is the beauty, glory, and splendor of heaven. That’s what a believer longs for! Reason we want to go to heaven is to see, enjoy, and worship God forever! If you don’t long to be with God and to worship God, you should wonder whether you are a Christian.


  1. Notice What Is Around the Throne:


  1. Rainbow: like an emerald.  Not like any other rainbow! Green! This rainbow does not appear to be a partial rainbow like what we see on earth, but a complete arc completely surrounding the throne.


What immediately comes to mind when we think of a rainbow? The flood which God brought on entire world to judge it. Sign by which God pledged never again to flood the world = rainbow. A bow hung in the sky. Why a bow? What did a bow mean to people in that day? It was a weapon of war. After war had been waged and won, what did people do with bows? They would hang them up on wall. That’s what God did. For the time, God’s wrath had been put to rest. God’s weary and persecuted people take heart. They will never know the storm of God’s wrath. The war bow of God has been hung up forever. God’s rainbow signifies that because of His covenant with His people He will not pour out His wrath upon them.


  1. 24 Elders: 4:4. They were sitting on 24 thrones, clothed in white garments, with golden crowns on heads. Who are they?  God’s royal entourage. Kingly retinue. When royalty make official public appearances never do so alone. Always surrounded by attendants. Inherant of their status. Vice-regents.


Who are they?  Only 2 options: angels or men. Do we ever read of angels in Scripture seated on thrones? No. Their function is to serve, not to rule. Heb.1:14, “Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to render service for the sake of those who will inherit salvation?”  Ever see them sitting? No, always flying here and there to do God’s will. Do we ever read of them wearing crowns?  No.


What about the saints? Do we ever see them on thrones?

3:21 “He who overcomes, I will grant to him to sit down with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.”


Do we ever see them wearing white garments?

3:5 “He who overcomes will thus be clothed in white garments; and I will not erase his name from the book of life, and I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels.”


Do we ever see them wearing crowns?

2:10 “Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to cast some of you into prison, so that you will be tested, and you will have tribulation for ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.”


Thrones – garments – crowns. These are never promised to angels, but are promised to overcoming believers. But why 24 elders?  There are two different possibilities.


  • It may refer to 12 Patriarchs (sons of Israel) in the Old Testament, and the 12 apostles of the New Testament, to represent all God’s redeemed of all human history.


  • Or, it may refer to 1 Chron. 24 and 25. In the 1 Chron. 24, the priests divided into 24 divisions to serve in temple. In 1 Chron.25, we have those musicians and singers who were set apart to give praise and worship to the Lord at the temple.  There are 24 divisions of those who sang to the Lord. We know from Rev.5:10 that believers are priests to God, and their chief function in heaven is to worship the Lord. So these 24 Elders may represent all of God’s people who are priests who offer up the sacrifice of praise and worship.


This picture of the 24 elders is you and me!  We are there surrounding God’s throne to give Him praise day and night forever!  What will you be doing in heaven?  You will surround God’s throne. You will fall down before Him, cast your crowns before the throne and declare His worthy to receive glory, honor and power, for He created all things and because of His will they exist and were created – Rev. 4:11.


Application:  We Will Experience Authority, Glory and Honor in Heaven: 


  • We are seen sitting on thrones – This signifies that we will rule and reign with Christ. 1Cor.6:2-3, “Or do you not know that the saints will judge the world?.. Do you not know that we will judge angels?”  We will judge world and angels! Reve.5:10 “…they will reign upon the earth.”


  • We are seen clothed in white garments – this signifies that we are clothed with the spotless righteousness of Christ! We are justified for all eternity! There is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.


  • We are seen wearing golden crowns – this signifies royalty, beauty, and honor.

Rom.8:18, “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.”


1Pet.1:7 “our faith will be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ”.


Saints, do you understand what God is going to do for you?  If you are faithful until death, He is going to give you glory, honor and power! Those are the very attributes we ascribe to Him (4:11). He takes what is His, and shares it with us, His bride!






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