What is the right religion? How can we be right with God? In what spirit must we approach God? These are all extremely important questions that Jesus gives answers to in His parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector.
What kind of person will enter the kingdom of God? If we are to be saved and enter the kingdom, we must humble ourselves and put our absolute dependence on God, like a little child.
The way Jesus did evangelism seems diametrically opposed to the way we do it today. In this message we learn how to lead lost people into God’s kingdom by using the Law to expose their sin, and then calling for radical surrender to His Lordship, and a living faith in following Him daily.
Is Jesus’ command to the rich young ruler to forsake all and follow Him applicable to believers today? If so, how? What can we expect if we forsake all and follow Christ in obedience? Find out as Pastor Brian examines Luke 12:28-34.
Jesus did not only heal Bartimaeus, but He saved Him by His grace. In this wonderful story, we see his Condition, Cry, Call, and Cure. I’m sure all of us can see much in his life that mirrors our own!
The conversion of Zaccheus teaches us that Jesus was seeking us before we ever sought Him, and that salvation truly is of His free and sovereign grace.
How should we live until Christ returns? Jesus answers that question with His parable of the Minas. What has the Lord entrusted you with? He is calling you to use it to advance Christ’s interests until He returns. Be faithful and eternal rewards await you!
As Jesus entered triumphantly into Jerusalem, there were two dominant and opposing emotions. The disciples experienced great joy and praise, while Jesus experienced great sorrow and grief as His heart broke for the devastation that would come upon the Jewish people.
How will you respond to the authority of Jesus Christ? The only two options are to bow before His authority and enter His kingdom, or rebel against His authority and be excluded forever!
In the Parable of the Vine-Growers Jesus gives us truth regarding the depravity of man, the long suffering of God, the certainty of divine judgment and the invincibility of God’s purposes.
When the religious leaders sought to trap Jesus in a statement that could get Him arrested and executed, He answered in such a wonderful and wise way that it has given us spiritual instruction both for time and eternity. What is our responsibility to human government? What is our responsibility to God? Find out in this message!
As Jesus silenced the Sadducees concerning the resurrection of the dead, He also gave us His beliefs concerning the importance of biblical doctrine, God’s plan for the future, and the certainty and nature of life after death.
Just exactly who is Jesus? Everyone seems to have a different answer to that question. However, the Bible is very clear on it. In this message we learn what Jesus Himself taught as to His own identity.
In this passage, Jesus warns against corrupt religious leaders, and then gives an example of one of its victims. This “victim” might surprise you. Learn how to watch out for corrupt religious leaders in this message.
We apologize, but due to a technical difficulty, the recording starts about 3.5 minutes into the sermon.
There has been much controversy concerning the Olivet Discourse. In this message Pastor Brian seeks to show the two questions the disciples asked Jesus, and the answers He gave them. In this discourse, Jesus is predicting the Fall of Jerusalem in 70 A.D., not an end times Tribulation at the end of the world.
We appologize, but due to technical difficulty, the video of the sermon wasn’t recorded.
Who killed Jesus Christ? Was it the Jewish religious leaders? Was it Judas Iscariot? Was it Satan? Yes, all of these were players in the drama of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. But the ultimate Player behind it all was God Almighty Himself!
When Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper, He gave us three great truths. 1) The Lord’s Supper replaces the Passover meal. 2) The Lord’s Supper Recalls His Vicarious Sacrifice. 3) The Lord’s Supper Represents the New Covenant. The next time you observe the Lord’s Supper, feast on these great truths!
How is true greatness measured? The world has one standard for measuring greatness, but God has an entirely different one! The way up in His kingdom, is the way down.
Do you realize how much you owe to the intercession of Jesus Christ on your behalf? In this message we discover how crucial it is that we have a great High Priest who intercedes for us at the right hand of God. Hallelujah! What a Savior!
In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus shrank back in horror from drinking the cup, and asked His Father to remove it from Him. What was in that cup that He had to drink? Here we tread on ground that no mortal man can fully fathom, but we do our best to understand what our salvation cost our Savior.
In the story of Barabbas, we see a beautiful picture of the gospel. We are all Barabbas! He was guilty and deserved death, but received life. Christ was righteous and deserved life, but took death. Come, marvel at your Savior and worship Him!
The two thieves that died on the right and left side of Jesus, represent all of humanity. Either we see Jesus for who He really is, repent, believe, and confess Him before others, or we die in our sins. Which one do you identify with?
The death of Jesus Christ was truly extraordinary! In this message we explore three signs that attended Christ’s death, and four different responses of people to Christ’s death. May God help us to make the right response to the cross of Christ.
Christianity stands or falls with the truth of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Destroy the resurrection, and you have destroyed the Christian faith. In this message, Pastor Brian gives rational reasons to defend the truth of the resurrection of Christ, and then shows the massive implications of that resurrection.
When Jesus appeared to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, He explained to them how all of the Old Testament Scripture pointed to Him. In all our reading of the Old Testament, let’s make sure we don’t miss Jesus!
In this final expository sermon in the Gospel of Luke, we examine Jesus’ final instructions to His disciples. In it we see the necessity laid upon our Savior, the Sinner, and the Saint.
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