Sermon Series: Holiday Messages

The Greatest Gift Ever Given

| by | Scripture: Romans 8:32

“For He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not also with Him freely give us all things!” Oh, what a powerfully precious promise! In this Good Friday, 2009 message, we explore this promise in our house church.


The Cure For Leprosy of the Soul

| by | Scripture: Leviticus 14:1-9

Leprosy in Scripture is a vivid picture of sin and its miserable consequences. In this message we take a look at leprosy and the Old Testament ceremonies that were used upon its cleansing in order to grasp the glory of what God has done to cleanse our souls from the stain of sin. This message was given on Easter Sunday, 2009.


The Greatness of the Prince of Peace

| by | Scripture: Isaiah 9:1-7

In Isaiah 9:1-7, our Christmas meditation for 2009, we see 7 Great Realities: a great light, increase, joy, deliverance, peace, prince, and kingdom. Listen in as we seek to understand the Old Testament prophetic imagery and understand it in its New Testament fulfillment and application. Christ is truly a Great Prince of an Eternal Kingdom!!!


Doing the Works Of God In 2010

| by | Scripture: John 9:4

Every year about this time we all start to think about the passing of time. It is a good time to reflect on the brevity of life, the preciousness of time, and what we can do to make our lives count the most while we have opportunity to live for Christ. Our house church spent a good deal of time at the end of this teaching seeking to bring Spirit-led application to our lives as we consider the approach of 2010.


She Will Bear A Son

| by | Scripture: Matthew 1:21

The angel gave Joseph the news that Mary had conceived a baby by the Holy Spirit. Matthew 1:21 answers our questions, “Who Was He?” “What Would He Come To Do?” “Who Would He Do It For?”. This Christmas sermon is really a meditation upon 6 significant words.


Why Does It Matter If Jesus Rose From The Dead?

| by | Scripture: Matthew 28:1-20

Why does the resurrection of Jesus matter? It proves He was who He claimed to be, did what He claimed to do, and will do what He claimed He will do!


The God Of Peace Sanctifying His Chosen People

| by | Scripture: Hebrews 13:20-21

Jesus is the risen Shepherd of the sheep, who offered the blood of the eternal covenant to reconcile His sheep to God, so that we could do His will. To Him be the glory forever!


The True Meaning of Christmas

| by | Scripture: 1 Timothy 1:15

What is the true meaning of Christmas? In our secular culture, it can be very difficult to discover. But thankfully, the Scripture makes it abundantly clear. Christmas reminds us that when our world was ruined and in misery, God did something about it, by sending His Son!


Whatever Your Hand Finds to Do in 2016

| by | Scripture: Ecclesiastes 9:10

With 2015 almost over, and 2016 upon us, Pastor Brian exhorted The Bridge to serve the Lord with all their might, making every hour and every day count for eternity!


The Resurrection of the Dead

| by | Scripture: John 5:28-29

Because Jesus was raised from the dead, He has the power to raise everyone else from the dead and He will – some to the resurrection of life and the others to the resurrection of judgment!


The Word Made Flesh

| by | Scripture: John 1:14

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us” — in 9 words, the apostle John has captured the Identity, Incarnation, and Mission of the Word. Jesus Christ is to be praised and worshiped as God’s Son, made flesh, to bring us to God!


You Have a Reason to Rejoice at Christmas

| by | Scripture: Luke 1:74-75


The Eternal Resolution; Every Day Is New Years

| by | Scripture: Philippians 3:4-14

It is that time of year again, what time, time to make New Year’s resolutions, time to start the year afresh. If you are making resolution for the new year or setting goals in general, there is one thing that should be at the top of your list every year: To know Him, Christ Jesus.


Died And Risen With Christ

| by | Scripture: Colossians 3:1-3

In this message Brian and Jerome tag team preach through Colossians 3:1-3. Brian shows the theology of what is true about the believer in Christ – he has died and risen with Christ. Jerome shows how we are to live out that truth in our day to day lives.


The Heart Of Simeon’s Joy: Christmas Every Day

| by | Scripture: Luke 2:22-32

The Heart Of Simeon’s Joy: Christmas Every Day


New Year’s Prayer

| by | Scripture: Ephesians 3:14-21

Paul’s prayer for the Ephesians was that they would be strengthened by the Spirit of God in their inner person, that Christ would dwell in their hearts through faith, and that they would be rooted and grounded in love, understanding the greatness of the love of God for them and be filled with all the fullness of Christ. This is a good prayer for us to pray over one another about the coming year.


The Path That Leads To The Resurrection

| by | Scripture: Philippians 3:10-11

The destination of the Christian life is the resurrection from the dead. But what is the path that leads to that destination? Paul says it is knowing the Person, Power, Pain, and Purpose of Christ.


Christmas Glad Tidings!

| by | Scripture: 1 Timothy 1:15

To prepare our hearts for worship of Jesus Christ this Christmas, we spent time meditating on the words of 1 Timothy 1:15 – what great gospel rich truth!!!


Communion With God

| by | Scripture: 1 Peter 2:2

The highest priority for the Christian is to experience and enjoy communion with God. Let’s all make that our goal for 2021.


Christmas Blessings

| by | Scripture: Isaiah 9:1-5

When Jesus came into the world, he brought some wonderful blessings with Him for His followers: Light – Joy – Freedom – Peace. As you listen to this message, may the Lord stir you to desire to experience them in a greater measure in the coming year.


Zachariah’s Joy

| by | Scripture: Luke 1:67-71

Join us as Pastor Wade goes through the gospel of Luke and discusses the joy of Zachariah and how that relates to our joy in the Messiah.


The Fruits Of Christ’s Resurrection

| by | Scripture: Isaiah 53:10-12

There was a beautiful covenant between the Father and the Son. The Son promised to render Himself as a guilt offering. The Father promised He would raise Him from the dead, and bring about 5 benefits to the Son on behalf of His people.


She Will Bear A Son

| by | Scripture: Matthew 1:21-23

There are seven words that describe the glory of Christ and His gospel: Jesus- Immanuel- save- from- sins- His- people. In this Christmas mediation we took the time to ponder the words of the angel to Joseph concerning the birth of Jesus Christ.


The First Christmas Sermon

| by | Scripture: Luke 2:1-12

The very first Christmas sermon was delivered by an angel to some shepherds on a dark night outside of Bethlehem in the open air. Their message was one of good news of great joy. May it still have the same effect in our lives today!


A New Year’s Exhortation for 2024

| by | Scripture: John 9:4-5

Time is precious! How will we invest it in 2024? Let’s seek ways to love God and people?


God’s Will For Your Life in 2025

| by | Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17

God’s will for our life in 2025 is spelled out for us very specifically. It consists or rejoicing, praying, and thanking, and that continually.