Epaphroditus provides us a wonderful example of an ordinary Christian who was fully devoted to the Lord. May we follow in his steps!
Yearly Archives:: 2022
Rejoicing In The Lord In 2022
Pastor Brian sets out a course for The Bridge Church in 2022 to focus on rejoicing in the Lord. In this message he emphasizes five great truths about rejoicing.
A Christian’s Behavior
Join us as Pastor Wade goes through the book of Ephesians 4:28 and discusses how a Christian should behave.
3 Marks Of A True Christian
Who is a true Christian? What are the marks of someone who is truly saved? Paul gives us three marks of a true Christian in Philippians 3:3 – he worships in the Spirit of God, he glories in Christ Jesus, and he puts no confidence in the flesh.
The Futility Of Obtaining Salvation By The Flesh
What did Paul mean when he said that the true believer puts no confidence in the flesh? Well, in order to explain, Paul gives some biographical background to his own life in order to show what he once trusted in to gain acceptance with God. Then he says it’s all rubbish, in comparison with Jesus Christ! He is the one we must put all our confidence in, not in anything we have done!
Imitating God
Pastor Wade discusses the importance of imitating God.
Walking In Love
Pastor Wade discusses the importance of imitating God through walking in love.
The Excellency Of Knowing Christ
Paul had learned the greatest secret in life – that knowing Jesus Christ is the most precious thing we can ever have in this life.
Pressing On!
God doesn’t want us resting on our laurels or cruising in our Christian life. He wants us pressing on to grow in our relationship with Christ and becoming more like Jesus!
Spiritual Warfare – Don’t Listen To Their Voices
Join us as Pastor Wade discusses the importance of spiritual warfare and how it affects the body. .
Good And Bad Examples In The Christian Life
Flesh and blood examples are powerful in our life, either for good or bad. May God helps to emulate the good examples and shun the bad!
Eagerly Waiting For Jesus
How should we live in light of the second coming of Christ? We must stand firm against, persecution, false teaching, and Satan’s influence!
3 Indispensable Components Of The Church
Prayer & Fasting
Are You Woke?
Join us as Pastor Wade talks about awake and alert in Jesus.
Conflict Resolution in the Church
How do we handle it when we have a falling out with another brother or sister in the church? That’s what we tackle in this message. Pastor Brian shares 5 principles that will help us when we encounter that difficult situation.
Be Filled With The Holy Spirit
And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.
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