Yearly Archives:: 2013

Christ – The Creator

| by | Scripture: Genesis 1:1-31 | Series:

As we begin this sermon series on Beholding Christ In Genesis, we discover that Jesus is none other than our Creator God, not only involved in the first physical creation, but also in the new spiritual creation.


Christ – Our Sabbath

| by | Scripture: Genesis 2:1-3 | Series:

Is the Sabbath an unchanging moral law that God gave the human race at creation? Are we to observe the Sabbath on Saturday, or Sunday, or in some other way? Listen in as we focus on Christ – our true Sabbath, and how we find our rest in Him!


Christ – The Tree Of Life

| by | Scripture: Genesis 2:4-17 | Series:

The message of the entire Bible can be summed up in the story of 3 Trees: The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, the Tree of Life, and the Tree of Calvary.


Christ – Our Bridegroom

| by | Scripture: Genesis 2:18-25 | Series:

The divine institution of marriage is in serious trouble today. In this passage in Genesis we see God’s ideal for marriage, and how the first marriage foreshadows our ultimate marriage to Jesus Christ, our true Bridegroom.


Christ – The Obedient Son

| by | Scripture: Genesis 3:1-6 | Series:

Why is our world in such a mess? The only answer that makes any sense is the answer given in Genesis 3. In this message we explore Satan’s Schemes, Man’s Failure, and Christ’s Obedience.


Christ – Our Righteous Covering

| by | Scripture: Genesis 3:7-21 | Series:

Adam and Eve clothed themselves in fig leaves, but God rejected their garments, and instead made them garments of skin. Every person in the world is either dressed in his own righteousness or the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Are you dressed in fig leaves or a fur coat?


Christ – The Conqueror Of Satan

| by | Scripture: Genesis 3:15 | Series:

Christ is the Conqueror of Satan! Though Satan was able to strike Christ’s heel at His crucifixion, in that very act Jesus Christ crushed his head, rendering him powerless. Now, we stand in Christ’s victory!


Christ – The One Whose Blood Speaks Better Than Abel’s

| by | Scripture: Genesis 4:1-15 | Series:

Like Abel’s blood, the blood of Christ cries to God, but it speaks with a better message, duration, number of people, location and power. It will ultimately speak for or against every person on Judgment Day.


Christ – Our Refuge From Wrath

| by | Scripture: Genesis 6:1-7:24 | Series:

Just as the Flood of God’s Wrath came upon the ancient world, so a far greater judgment of wrath is coming upon our own world, and the only way to be saved from it is to find our refuge in Christ!


Christ – The One Who Brings Blessing To The World

| by | Scripture: Genesis 12:1-3 | Series:

From the beginning of time God has had a plan to bring unspeakable spiritual privileges to all the world. Learn who they are from, what they are, and who they are for in this message as we focus on our great privilege of partnering with God in His missionary zeal to bring His people into the kingdom from all over the world.


Christ – Our Great High Priest Like Melchizedek

| by | Scripture: Genesis 14:18-20 | Series:

Melchizedek is a wonderful picture of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who is the eternally self-existent One, the King of the universe, the priest who reconciles us to God through sacrifice, and the preeminent one over all.


Christ – The Smoking Oven and Flaming Torch

| by | Scripture: Genesis 15:7-18 | Series:

God assured Abraham that He would give him the land of Canaan by cutting a covenant with him. Likewise God gives assurance to us that we will possess our heavenly inheritance through the New Covenant. The glory of the New Covenant is that it is not an “if…then” covenant like the Old Covenant. Rather it is a unilateral, unconditional, “I will…they shall” covenant in which Christ Himself binds Himself to fulfill all the terms of the covenant.


Christ – The Righteous Judge

| by | Scripture: Genesis 18:16 – 19:29 | Series:

God’s destruction of Sodom and deliverance of Lot in Genesis 19 serve as a type of the Final Judgment, in which God will pour out His wrath on the wicked and deliver His people through sheer grace.


Christ – The Son Offered By The Father

| by | Scripture: Genesis 22:1-14 | Series:

In Genesis 22 we read of the supreme act of faith ever required of man – Abraham must kill and offer up his son as a burnt offering. In this story, we are reminded of another Father who offered His Son, Jesus Christ, as the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.


Christ – The Wealthy Waiting Husband

| by | Scripture: Genesis 24 | Series:

In Genesis 24 we see a wealthy father sending out his trusted servant to find a bride for His Son. In the story, the servant represents the Holy Spirit, who is calling out a bride for Jesus Christ, and then leading that bride on a spiritual journey to heaven.


Christ – The Ladder Between Heaven and Earth

| by | Scripture: Genesis 28:10-17 | Series:

Jacob dreamed of a ladder set on the earth with its top reaching to heaven. Jesus told us that this ladder was Himself! Listen in and see why Christ is a long, accessible, durable, dependable, effective, and revealing ladder!


Christ – The Crippler of the Self-Sufficient

| by | Scripture: Genesis 32:24-32 | Series:

Jacob was a self-reliant man who depended on his own wits and ingenuity in life, rather than trusting in the Lord. Therefore, Jesus Christ came to Jacob and battled him, broke him, blessed him, and branded him in order to transform him from “Heelcatcher” to “He who strives with God.” Listen carefully, as you just might find yourself in this story!


Christ – The Innocent Sufferer

| by | Scripture: Genesis Chapter 37, 39 & 40 | Series:

Joseph gives us a vivid portrait of Jesus Christ, both in his sufferings, and in the glories to follow. In this study, we see Christ as the Innocent Sufferer, and see him in his Parent’s House, Potiphar’s House, and in the Prison House. Through it all, we learn of the amazing love of Christ, and His willingness to suffer for both our sake and His Father’s glory.


Christ – Our Exalted Lord

| by | Scripture: Genesis 41:14-57 | Series:

Joseph was raised from the dungeon to the palace, from humiliation to exaltation to rule over the entire nation of Egypt to provide food for those that were perishing. As such he is a wonderful illustration of Jesus Christ, our Sovereign Lord, who rules from heaven to grant salvation for perishing sinners.


Kindle Afresh the Gift of God

| by | Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:1-7 | Series:

As we embark on an expository sermon series on 2 Timothy, we see Paul exhorting Timothy, his young friend and apprentice, to kindle afresh God’s gift to him, and serve the Lord with all his might, because there is a promise of life in Christ Jesus.


A Gospel Worth Suffering For

| by | Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:8-11 | Series:

The gospel was Paul’s life. As Paul wrote 2 Timothy 1:8-11, he couldn’t mention the gospel without taking a little digression to open it up, showing us that it is a gospel that saves. This salvation was applied by an effectual call, granted on the basis of grace, planned before time began, accomplished by the death of Christ, and results in abolishing everlasting death for all God’s people!


Faithfulness To The Gospel

| by | Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:11-18 | Series:

The church is called to be faithful to the gospel by spreading it, suffering for it, and safeguarding it.


How To Multiply Disciples

| by | Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:1-2 | Series:

How can we at The Bridge fulfill our vision to “glorify God by making disciples who make disciples?” Listen in to find out!


What Is The Christian Life Supposed To Look Like?

| by | Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:3-7 | Series:

What is the Christian life supposed to look like? Contrary to popular belief, the Christian life is to look like a wholly devoted soldier, a rule-keeping athlete, and a hard-working farmer — in other words, all out total commitment to Christ and His kingdom!


Dealing With False Teaching

| by | Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:14-19 | Series:

In this message we see the Characteristics, Consequences, and Cure for False Teaching. Brian also gives some very practical counsel on how to study the Bible so that you are handling it accurately.


Useful To The Master

| by | Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:20-26 | Series:

Do you long to be useful to the Master? In this message Brian explains that we can be used by God as long as we are Clean Vessels and Kind Servants.


How To Live In Difficult Times

| by | Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:1-17 | Series:

Due to technical difficulties, this sermon was not recorded.
Biblically, the last days spans the entire period from Christ’s first coming to His second coming. How are we to live in these difficult days? Paul’s answer to Timothy is to avoid men who oppose the truth, and abide in the only source of truth.


Preach The Word! – Pt 1

| by | Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:1-5 | Series:

In light of Paul’s imminent death, he charges Timothy to preach the word solemnly, Biblically, continually, and faithfully.


Preach The Word! – Pt. 2

| by | Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:1-5 | Series:

We must preach urgently, fearlessly, evangelistically, and purposefully, because many have turned aside from the truth to myths.


The Time Of My Departure Has Come

| by | Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:6-8 | Series:

When you come to the end of your life, will you die well? In this passage, Paul looks around, looks back, and then looks ahead. In so doing, he shares his secret of dying well with no regrets.


Paul’s Dying Emotions

| by | Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:9-22 | Series:

In this last section in 2 Timothy we see the emotions flooding Paul’s heart as he waits in a prison cell to die. Paul is feeling lonely for fellowship, restless to learn, concern for Timothy, confident in Christ, and love for the brethren.


The Announcement of John’s Birth

| by | Scripture: Luke 1:1-25 | Series:

In the message we begin a new sermon series on the Gospel of Luke. Brian introduces this gospel and then shows the 5 stages that Zacharias and Elizabeth passed through – Barrenness – Promise – Unbelief – Judgment – Fruitfulness.


Gabriel’s Visit To Mary

| by | Scripture: Luke 1:26-38 | Series:

Mary, although a poor, unknown Jewish girl, was chosen by God to bear the Messiah. In this account, we have Gabriel’s message to her concerning the Person and Work of Jesus Christ.


2 Beautiful Godly Mothers

| by | Scripture: Luke 1:39-56 | Series:

As Mary and Elizabeth meet together, we see in their speech their beautiful godly qualities.


The Tender Mercy Of God

| by | Scripture: | Series:

In Zacharias’ prophecy on the occasion of the birth of his son, he prophesied that God would send a Deliverer into the world because of His tender mercy. This Deliverer would redeem, save, forgive, and illumine His people.


The First Christmas Sermon

| by | Scripture: Luke 2:1-12 | Series:

An unnamed angel preached the first Christmas sermon ever. It was preached to a congregation of shepherds in the open air. It was a gospel-centered, joy-producing message that the baby that was born was the Savior, Christ, and Lord!


Glory to God – Peace to Men!

| by | Scripture: Luke 2:13-20 | Series:

The multitude of angels proclaimed that as a result of Jesus Christ coming into the world, God would receive glory, and the men of God’s good pleasure would receive peace!


The Holiness of God

| by | Scripture: Isaiah 6:1-7 | Series:

This favorite Old Testament passage calls everyone today to understand the fullness of God’s holiness whereby He is absolutely separate from sin and exalted above all the affairs of this world. Be transformed by it like Isaiah was!