Yearly Archives:: 2012

The Making of a Missionary – Pt. 1

| by | Scripture: Acts 12:25-13:52 | Series:

God is on mission to save sinners who are doomed to everlasting punishment.  As his church, we get to announce the good news of his salvation to all men – to be on mission with him.  In this teaching, we see some of the characteristics of the missionaries in the early church.


Grace Alone!

| by | Scripture: Acts 15:1-35 | Series:

God accepts everyone on the same basis – by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.  Therefore, in this message we see the apostles and elders of the early church rejecting the teaching that Gentiles need to be circumcised and keep the law of Moses to be saved, and affirming that salvation is purely by grace!


Effective Missional Communities

| by | Scripture: Acts 15:36-16:10 | Series:

A missional community is a group of believers who are on mission in a particular community to make disciples for Jesus. Today, as we read about the apostle Paul setting out on his second missionary journey, we will look at some of great characteristics of an effective missionary team.


Jesus Calls Out His People in Philippi

| by | Scripture: Acts 16:11-40 | Series:

As Jesus uses his missionaries in Philippi to build his church, he uses both their personal witnessing to various people, the casting out of a demon from a fortune-telling slave girl, as well as an unjust imprisonment of Paul and Silas brought about by the angry owners of the slave girl, to make a church in Philippi consisting of people from very different backgrounds, including even the very jailor that was charged to watch over Paul and Silas as they were imprisoned.


People That Turn The World Right Side Up

| by | Scripture: Acts 17:1-15 | Series:

Although God created our world perfect, sin has turned it on its head. As Paul and his team go about confronting sin and preaching the gospel of grace, their enemies say they are turning the world upside down, although they are really turning it rightside up! In this message we examine 4 marks of the kind of person who turns the world rightside up.


Who Is The Only True God?

| by | Scripture: Acts 17:16-29 | Series:

Today, as in Athens 2000 years ago, we are tempted every day to worship idols, or false gods – by putting our hope and seeking our joy in created things, such as technology, entertainment, other people, etc. – rather than the one true God who created all things. When we put all our hope in created things, we will sooner or later be completely disappointed. Let’s listen as Paul brings us to the only true God, who is worthy of our worship.


Jesus The Risen Judge

| by | Scripture: Acts 17:30-34 | Series:

Jesus Christ has been raised from the dead and he will judge the world on a day that God has appointed. How will you respond to this knowledge? Derision (laugh it off), delay (I’ll think about it later), or decision to repent and believe in Jesus?


The Lord’s Encouragement to Paul in Vanity Fair

| by | Scripture: Acts 18:1-17 | Series:

The city of Corinth that Paul came to on his second missionary journey was like Vanity Fair in the book Pilgrim’s Progress: it was full of immorality and wickedness. Upon coming to Corinth, Paul was alone and prone to discouragement from of all of the persecution that he had suffered from city to city. In this message, we see how the Lord encouraged him by giving him friends, converts, and promises.


Jesus Triumphs Over Satan’s Stronghold

| by | Scripture: Acts 19:8-41 | Series:

Many years ago Hal Lindsay wrote a book entitled, “Satan Is Alive And Well On Planet Earth.” And, you know what – he was right. Satan is alive and well on Planet Earth. But you know what – Jesus is More Alive and He’s More Well on Planet Earth! We’re going to see that truth as we come to Acts 19 today.


Sharing Your Faith

| by | Scripture: Acts 21:37 – 22:21 | Series:

Paul’s testimony before the angry Jewish mob provides us with many powerful principles for sharing our faith: having an earnest desire for the lost, finding common ground, emphasizing the inability of religion to save, relying on the sovereign initiative of God, and not resting until we see evidence of the supernatural work of God in their heart!


Paul On Trial

| by | Scripture: Acts 22:22 – 26:32 | Series:

In Acts chapters 23-26 we see several things about the apostle Paul while he is on trial: he is consumed with the hope of the resurrection, he is compelled to preach Christ fearlessly, he was commissioned to call men to repentance, and he was committed to seizing opportunities for the gospel.


The Lord And His Servant

| by | Scripture: Acts 28:1-31 | Series:

In Acts 28 we have an illustration of Paul’s description of his relationship to God — “the God to whom I belong and whom I serve.” In the first half of the chapter we see the Lord’s commitment to His servants and in the second half we see the servant’s commitment to His Lord.


The Greatest Obstacle to the Greatest Command

| by | Scripture: Luke 7:36-50 | Series:

Jesus was once asked, “what is the greatest commandment?”, to which our Lord said, “Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. (Mark 12:30)” . Through an unexpected and scandalous scene, Jesus explains to Simon the Pharisee that the greatest obstacle to the greatest commandment is understanding the great price of forgiveness.


She Will Bear A Son

| by | Scripture: Matthew 1:21 | Series:

The angel gave Joseph the news that Mary had conceived a baby by the Holy Spirit. Matthew 1:21 answers our questions, “Who Was He?” “What Would He Come To Do?” “Who Would He Do It For?”. This Christmas sermon is really a meditation upon 6 significant words.