After Paul teaches us about the Unity of the Spirit that every true Christian has with every other true Christian (Ephesians 4:1-6), he shows how this unity works itself out in the diversity of spiritual gifts in the body, especially those of its leaders (apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastor-teachers). This passage of Scripture is also known for giving rise to the idea that after Jesus died on the cross, His spirit descended into hell to preach to the spirits there. Let’s examine that doctrine, to see if these things are so.
Read More...Yearly Archives:: 2010
The Growth Of The Body
Church Growth has become an extremely popular subject in our own day. In this section Paul tackles that subject, but not as we might. Instead of focusing on numerical growth, he focuses on inward, spiritual growth. In what ways does God want the church to grow? Find out in this study!
Read More...Arming Ourselves For The Pursuit Of Holiness
What are some weapons God has given us to wage the warfare against sin in our pursuit of holiness? Peter tells us in this passage. Oh, may God grant us victory over sin that we might be pleasing to Him!
Read More...New Clothes For A New Man
The apostle Paul in this section begins his in-depth, prolonged teaching on the sanctification of the believer and personal holiness. He does so by showing us that God has made us brand new people with new desires and ambitions. He shows us that sanctification is to a great extent believing and acting on the truth of who we are in Christ.
Read More...Living In The Light Of Eternity – Pt. 1
What did Peter mean by “the end of all things is near?” How are we to live in light of the fact that eternity could break in upon us at any moment? The message did not get taped “live” at our weekly Bible Study, so Brian re-taught this study by himself. We pray you are edified!
Read More...Living In The Light Of Eternity – Pt. 2
We were unable to finish this section in our previous message, so we allowed it to spill over into a Part 2. What a wonderful, rich passage of Scripture. What important and powerful exhortations we have been given in this section! Oh, how we need to live in light of eternity!
Read More...Exchanging The Old Life For The New – Pt. 1
In this section, Paul shows us in 5 very practical areas how we are to exchange the old lifestyle patterns for brand new ones. We got some heavy questions and comments in this teaching right off the bat, so we didn’t complete the study. This will be Part 1. I think you will enjoy the dialogue, as we seek to understand how to obey God’s Word!
Read More...Exchanging The Old Life For The New – Pt. 2
We continue in our message on “Exchanging The Old Life For The New” and look at some more specific areas in which we are to lay aside the characteristics of the old life and exchange those for new lifestyle patterns. In this message we speak of laying aside stealing, unwholesome words, and ungodly attitudes. At the heart of all is the Love of Christ displayed in offering Himself up for us, as a fragrant aroma to God!
Read More...Sexual Purity
The Scriptures detail a very high standard for the church concerning sexual purity. In this passage we are taught God’s standards, and what will be the ultimate destination for those who characterize a sexually impure lifestyle.
Read More...Children of Light
God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all. Because we are born of Him, we are children of light. What is our responsibility in this dark world? How are we to conduct ourselves among an evil generation? Find out in this message.
Read More...Shepherds Of God’s Flock
What is an Elder? Is he different from a pastor? What is he supposed to do as he serves the church? These are all very important questions that Peter gives answers to in this passage.
Read More...Be Careful How You Walk!
Paul exhorts believers to be careful how they live out their Christian life because there are dangers, traps, drop offs, and pitfalls on every side. How are we to be careful? By making the most of our time and understanding the will of our Lord.
Read More...Clothing Ourselves With Humility and Resisting The Devil
In this, our final study in 1 Peter we take a look at 2 very important exhortations of the apostle Paul is it relates to suffering: humbling ourselves, and resisting the devil. In our own church two different families had recently dealt with assaults from the devil that had serious consequences, so this study proved to be very timely.
Read More...Sharing In The Sufferings Of Christ
The believers Peter was writing to were facing suffering and persecution. In just a few short years both Peter and Paul would die for Christ under the reign of Nero. Peter writes to encourage suffering believers to be faithful to Christ in the midst of sufferings, and gives a wonderful promise of where they would the strength to endure them.
Read More...The Spirit-Filled Life – Pt. 1
Ephesians 5:18 is perhaps the most important verse in the 2nd half of Ephesians, for it reveals how we are to obey all the other commands and exhortations found there. If Ephesians 4-6 are a race course, and you are the driver, Eph.5:18 is the fuel. In this message we examine what the Bible teaches about drunkenness, and about how we can obey the command to be filled with the Spirit.
Read More...The Spirit-Filled Life – Pt. 2
Having discussed the command to be filled with the Spirit in our previous message, we now focus on the consequences of being filled with the Spirit. This church meeting turned out to be very different as you will probably realize as you listen to it. Buckle your seat belts, for you will be going on a ride as you tune into this house church gathering!
Read More...God’s Will For Husbands and Wives
Paul initiated some Biblical discussion on God’s will for husbands and wives from this popular passage of Scripture.
Read More...God’s Will For Children
What is God’s will for children? The apostle Paul answers that question in this section of Scripture. Since we had no young children present in this meeting, we sought to apply the principles found here to adult children. Interestingly, in God’s Providence we just happened to study this section of Scripture on Mother’s Day!
Read More...God’s Will For Parents, Slaves, and Masters
In this study we examine God’s will for Parents, then Slaves, and finally Masters. If you would like to know the Biblical work ethic, look no further. Paul spells it out quite clearly for us here!
Read More...The Believer’s War Against Satan
Have you ever been confused by all the various teachings on spiritual warfare today?! In this message we analyze several different tactics popular teachers suggest we use in spiritual warfare, and compare them with Scripture. Then we look at what the apostle Paul actually tells us to do in Ephesians 6. I think you might be surprised.
Read More...The Believer’s Armor – Pt. 1
In order to be effective in our war against Satan, there are various pieces of armor that we must put on. In this message we examine the first 3: The Belt of Truth, The Breastplate of Righteousness, and the Sandals of the Gospel of Peace.
Read More...The Believer’s Armor – Pt. 2
In order to be effective in our war against Satan, there are various pieces of armor that we must put on. In this message we examine the last 3 pieces of armor: The Shield of Faith, the Helmot of Salvation, and the Sword of the Spirit. May the Lord enable all of us to put them on and defeat the enemy’s attacks!
Read More...Prayer Warriors
How does prayer “fit” in the believer’s life? How is it related to the spiritual warfare we are in? Do you see yourself as a prayer warrior? If not, I hope this message will help to change your mind!
Read More...Grace For The Undeserving
In this study we launch a new teaching series on the book of 1 Corinthians. In this introductory paragraph (1 Corinthians 1:1-9) we learn of God’s rich grace for His unworthy children.
Read More...Putting Away Party Divisions
In the church of Corinth the brethren had lined up under certain preachers like Paul, Apollos and Cephas, while others said they were devoted only to Christ. This brings up the age old problem of division in the church and God’s attitude toward it. Listen in as we discuss this problem and how we can seek to avoid it.
Read More...Christ: The Power and Wisdom of God
Have you ever wondered why some people respond eagerly to the gospel, while others ignore or reject it? In this study the apostle Paul answers that question. He tells us how the Jews responded to the message of Christ crucified — they stumbled at it. He tells us how the Greeks responded — they laughed at it. However, there were some Jews and some Greeks that found Christ to be the power and wisdom of God. Find out why they responded this way in this study!
Read More...Consider Your Calling
What is God’s call? Who does God call? Why does God call who He does? And what does Christ become for those God calls? We find Biblical answers to these questions in our study of 1 Corinthians 1:26-31. We hope you can listen in!
Read More...The Wisdom of God
Man’s wisdom differs greatly from God’s wisdom! In this study we examine the entire 2nd chapter of 1 Corinthians to discover Paul’s preaching of God’s Wisdom, the rulers’ blindness to God’s wisdom, Paul’s revelation of God’s wisdom, and man’s response to God’s wisdom. In so doing, we discover some very important lessons about how God would have us seek to win people for Christ.
Read More...God’s Judgment of Christian Workers
How will God judge Christian Workers — those that lead, preach and teach God’s people? What will He be looking for? How can those of us who have leadership in the body of Christ make sure we are preparing ourselves for this solemn judgment to come? How can we “be careful how we build upon the foundation” Paul laid? In this study, we examine Paul’s architectural metaphor of those that work to construct God’s building – God’s temple, and the fire which will test the qualitiy of their works.
Read More...The True Minister of Jesus Christ
What is the true minister of Jesus Christ like? What is his job? What is required of him? What will God’s judgment be like? This message is especially appropriate for those who have a calling to serve Jesus Christ in a special way.
Read More...Kings or Scum?
One of the worst problems in the Corinthian church was their divisions based on exalting various leaders. To combat this spirit of pride and arrogance in the Church of Corinth, Paul compares their estimate of themselves with his estimate of himself and the other apostles. They considered themselves to be kings. He considers himself to be scum. What do you consider yourself to be?
Read More...The Responsibility of a Spiritual Father
Paul was a spiritual father to the Corinthians, and as such had certain responsibilities toward them. In this message, learn our duties toward those we are a spiritual father or mother to.
Read More...Church Discipline
Church discipline is a very unpopular subject in our modern “feel good” Christianity, but it is clearly taught in Scripture. In 1 Corinthians 5 Paul goes to great lengths to teach the need, method, reason, and sphere of church discipline. May God grant us “ears to hear” as we search His Holy Word on this vital subject!
Read More...What About Lawsuits In The Church?
The United States spends $250 billion annually on the costs of lawsuits, equaling 2% of its Gross Domestic Product. Our sue-happy culture has infected the Church so that often Christians take other Christians to court. What is God’s will concerning lawsuits among believers? Find out in this message.
Read More...Glorify God In Your Body!
In this passage, Paul deals with the last problem reported to him from Chloe’s people — that of men in the church going to prostitutes. What does God have to say about the proper us of our bodies? What does God’s Word have to say about sexual immorality? What are Biblical motivations for holy living regarding the use of our bodies? Find out in this message!
Read More...God’s Will Concerning Sex In Marriage
There was a group of married believers in Corinth who believed that it was more “spiritual” to remain celibate in their marriage than enjoying normal physical relations. Tune in to see what God’s will is for married couples concerning their sexual relationship.
Read More...God’s Will Regarding Marriage For Various Believers
In this passage the apostle Paul gives spiritual counsel to 3 groups of believers: the unmarried, believers married to believers, and believers married to unbelievers. Admittedly there are some difficult and thorny problems in this section of Scripture when it comes to interpretation, but the rewards of careful study here give light on this difficult issue. The church has struggled with understanding and applying Paul’s counsel in this section for hundreds of years. I guess we’ll contribute our 2 cents to the whole!
Read More...Contentment In Our Calling
Paul’s counsel to the Corinthian believers is “remain in the condition in which you were called.” Whether you are married or single, slave or free, Jew or Gentile, serve Christ in that condition. But where can believers receive the strength to be content in their present circumstances. The Word of God gives us answers to that question from this passage.
Read More...Paul’s Counsel To The Unmarried
What should unmarried people seriously consider before deciding to get married? Paul gives counsel considering this very issue in this passage. He says they need to consider the present distress, the fact that the time has been shortened, the truth that marriage will bring new distractions, and the fact that marriage is permanent until your spouse dies.
Read More...Loving Others More Than Your Liberty
The 1st century church in Corinth had questions for Paul related to whether it was all right to eat meat sacrificed to idols or not. Today we might ask whether it is all right to get a tattoo, listen to secular music, drink alcohol, or send our children to a public school. The apostle Paul gives us principles by which we may discern God’s will in whether we ought to engage in these “gray” issues.
Read More...The Baptism in the Holy Spirit – Pt. 1
What is the “baptism in the Holy Spirit”? Is it the same thing or different from being “filled with the Holy Spirit”? Is “speaking in tongues” the initial evidence of the baptism in the Holy Spirit? Does it take place at or after conversion? There has been so much controversy and confusion over this subject, that I don’t pretend that we are going to solve all the difficulties in this study. We are seeking more light from the Scriptures on the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, and hopefully we have gained some ground in this study. If you see flaws in our reasoning or understanding of the Scriptures on this subject, please feel free to e-mail us and share your thoughts.
Read More...The Baptism in the Holy Spirit – Pt. 2
What is the “baptism in the Holy Spirit”? Is it the same thing or different from being “filled with the Holy Spirit”? Is “speaking in tongues” the initial evidence of the baptism in the Holy Spirit? Does it take place at or after conversion? There has been so much controversy and confusion over this subject, that I don’t pretend that we are going to solve all the difficulties in this study. We are seeking more light from the Scriptures on the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, and hopefully we have gained some ground in this study. If you see flaws in our reasoning or understanding of the Scriptures on this subject, please feel free to e-mail us and share your thoughts.
Read More...Are Miraculous Gifts For Today – Pt. 1
Have the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit like prophecy, tongues, interpretation of tongues, healings and miracles ceased, or are the available for the Church today? This has been a hotly debated issue for some time. In this message, we pose the arguments of the Cessationists (those who believe these gifts ceased after the 1st century) and then try to respond with Scripture. Hopefully, our discussion here will help you as you sort through an issue which can be very confusing!
Read More...Are Miraculous Gifts For Today – Pt. 2
Have the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit like prophecy, tongues, interpretation of tongues, healings and miracles ceased, or are the available for the Church today? This has been a hotly debated issue for some time. In this message, we pose the arguments of the Continuations (those who believe these gifts are available to the Church until Christ returns). Hopefully, our discussion here will help you as you sort through an issue which can be very confusing!
Read More...How Did God Speak In The Book Of Acts?
We are sometimes told that God does not speak to men apart from Scripture. This got me wondering, so I decided to go through the Book of Acts to see how God soke with His people in the first century. What I found startled me. God spoke with surprising frequency. The big question is, “does God still speak in these ways today?” I have included some observations and conclusions from my study of Acts at the bottom of this study. I hope you find it useful and helpful!
Read More...The NT Gift Of Prophecy – Pt. 1
What is the New Testament gift of prophecy? What authority does it have? Is it the speaking forth of the very words of God on a par with Scripture? Or, is there Biblical evidence that it was much different than the Scripture-level prophecies in the Old Testament? Let’s examine the Biblical evidence together to see if we can find the answer.
Read More...The NT Gift Of Prophecy – Pt. 2
What is the New Testament gift of prophecy? What kinds of things will a prophecy reveal? What is the difference between teaching and prophecy? How should we define a “prophet”? Who may prophesy? These are the questions that we take up in this study of God’s Word. May our Lord enrich you in every good thing as you look to Him through His Word!
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