Yearly Archives:: 2009

The God of the Bible is a Trinity

| by | Scripture: Various | Series:

In this message we seek to understand the 3-in-1 ness of the God revealed in Scripture, otherwise known as the trinity. Someone has said, “try to understand the trinity and you will lose your mind, reject it and lose your soul.” Come along with us to seek to discover greater light on God’s intrinsic nature.


The God of the Bible is Love

| by | Scripture: Various | Series:

God is love. If the modern church in America has fixated on anything, it is fixated on that. And, it is a very important attribute of God. Does this mean that God loves everyone the same? What do we do with the Scripture that says that God hated Esau?  Find out in this message.


The Cure For Leprosy of the Soul

| by | Scripture: Leviticus 14:1-9 | Series:

Leprosy in Scripture is a vivid picture of sin and its miserable consequences. In this message we take a look at leprosy and the Old Testament ceremonies that were used upon its cleansing in order to grasp the glory of what God has done to cleanse our souls from the stain of sin. This message was given on Easter Sunday, 2009.


Chosen by God

| by | Scripture: 1 Peter 1:1-2 | Series:

1 Peter is a wonderful and glorious letter. In this first study of 1 Peter we examine Peter’s statement that believers were “chosen by the foreknowledge of God the Father, sanctified by the Spirit, to obey Jesus Christ and be sprinkled with His blood.” Revel in the sovereign grace of God with us!


Our Great Salvation

| by | Scripture: 1 Peter 1:10-12 | Series:

Peter describes our great and awesome salvation in various ways: he describes it as the subject of the Old Testament prophet’s message, the subject of the apostles’ preaching, and the subject of the angels’ interest.



| by | Scripture: 1 Peter 1:13-17 | Series:

God’s Word everywhere urges believers to a holy life. Peter does the same in this section of Scripture. Learn what it means to live a holy life, and how we are to accomplish it.


Chosen By The Father

| by | Scripture: Ephesians 1:4-6 | Series:

In this study we run smack dab into one of the most controversial doctrines in the Bible – the doctrine of divine sovereign election. Although this subject is very controversial, when rightly understood and applied to your life, it can be one of the most life changing truths you will ever grasp! For more on God’s sovereign grace in salvation, read the book Overwhelmed By Grace found under the Books section of the Resource Library.


Sealed With The Spirit

| by | Scripture: Ephesians 1:13-14 | Series:

Paul’s passion is to glorify God. The way he goes about doing that in this passage is to throw the spotlight on each member of the Trinity to reveal their invaluable contribution to God’s Master Plan of Salvation. After praising God the Father and God the Son for their parts, he moves on to praise God the Spirit for preserving us in our salvation. Believers have been sealed with the Holy Spirit.


Love One Another!

| by | Scripture: 1 Peter 1:22-25 | Series:

When we are born again, we are called to fervently love the other members of God’s family. In this study, we explore both the command to love, and the Biblical reasons to love, including the human and divine side of conversion. Oh, let brotherly love continue!


The Power Of God In The Exaltation Of Christ

| by | Scripture: Ephesians 1:19b-23 | Series:

Paul prays first that thte Ephesians would understand the greatness of the honor and glory God has destined for them, then the greatness of the power that will bring it to pass. But what kind of power is needed to bring these believers to their glorious inheritance? The same kind of power that was needed to bring Christ into possession of His glory. What did God do to bring Christ into possession of His glory, and how has He exalted Him? Our answer is found in this text.


But God!

| by | Scripture: Ephesians 2:4-6 | Series:

“But God” – 2 of the most glorious words in all the Bible! Paul doesn’t say, “but you.” When we could do nothing to save ourselves, God did something. Salvation is of the Lord. It was God who took the initiative. God acted. With man salvation is impossible, but with God all things are possible!


The Lord’s Supper

| by | Scripture: Various | Series:

What is the Biblical Teaching on the Lord’s Supper? Are we supposed to examine ourselves to see whether we are worthy to partake of it? Who should partake? In what kind of setting? What place does the Lord’s Supper have in our Church meetings? Let’s examine these questions together by surveying all of the New Testament texts on the subject.


The Christian And Government

| by | Scripture: 1 Peter 2:13-17 | Series:

This section in 1 Peter is very important as it addresses the Christian’s responsibility toward governing authorities. What is our responsibility toward them? What is God’s purpose for them? Why are we to submit to them? How are we to submit to them? Is it ever right not to submit to them? Find out in this study


The Master Artist

| by | Scripture: Ephesians 2:7-10 | Series:

Imagine if God were a Master Artist. What would the canvass be? What about the paint, and the brush, and the final art gallery? This message is probably Brian Anderson’s most popular message he has ever given, having preached it many times in many places. Let the truth of Ephesians 2:7-10 thrill your soul!


The Submissive Wife

| by | Scripture: 1 Peter 3:1-6 | Series:

The Biblical injunction for a wife to submit to her husband is not in vogue in today’s culture, to say the least! However, the Bible has a lot to say about this very important aspect of a godly wife. Peter gives us “The Submissive Wife 101 Course” in this study.


God-Exalting Relationships In The Body

| by | Scripture: 1 Peter 3:8-12 | Series:

In this teaching we examine what kinds of relationships in the Body of Christ exalt God. The beauty is that as we display God-exating relationships, God exalts and blesses us. This message did not record during our Wednesday night Bible Study, so Brian recorded it again while he was all alone. We trust it builds you up toward Christ-honoring, edifying relationships!


The Unity Of The Spirit

| by | Scripture: Ephesians 4:1-6 | Series:

In this study we commence the 2nd half, and the practical section of the book emphasizing the Christian Life. Paul goes to great pains to exhort us to walk worthy of our great and high calling by being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Learn how to preserve the unity that God has already supernaturally created between every true child of God!


The Greatness of the Prince of Peace

| by | Scripture: Isaiah 9:1-7 | Series:

In Isaiah 9:1-7, our Christmas meditation for 2009, we see 7 Great Realities: a great light, increase, joy, deliverance, peace, prince, and kingdom. Listen in as we seek to understand the Old Testament prophetic imagery and understand it in its New Testament fulfillment and application. Christ is truly a Great Prince of an Eternal Kingdom!!!


Doing the Works Of God In 2010

| by | Scripture: John 9:4 | Series:

Every year about this time we all start to think about the passing of time. It is a good time to reflect on the brevity of life, the preciousness of time, and what we can do to make our lives count the most while we have opportunity to live for Christ. Our house church spent a good deal of time at the end of this teaching seeking to bring Spirit-led application to our lives as we consider the approach of 2010.


Principles To Help Us Suffer For Righteousness

| by | Scripture: 1 Peter 3:18-22 | Series:

This passage of Scripture is one of the most confusing and difficult to interpret passages in all of the New Testament. You’ve heard the expression, “He can’t see the forest for the trees.” When we step back and look at the surrounding context, we can see how this difficult section fits into Peter’s thought — encouragement to help persecuted and suffering believers endure for Christ’s sake