In this teaching, we begin our series on the Book of Hebrews. And what a book it is! Hebrews shows us the glory of Christ in a way that we don’t find in many other places of the New Testament. Let’s reverently come to this book to be brought face to face with the greatest Person this world has ever known.
Read More...Yearly Archives:: 2008
Jesus: Much Better than the Angels
Is Jesus Michael the archangel as the Jehovah’s Witnesses teach? Is He a created being, or is He the creator of all other beings. What rank does He hold? Tune in to see.
Read More...Paying Much Closer Attention To The Gospel
The writer to the Hebrews gives the first of many strong exhortations to persevere in the faith in this section, admonishing them not to neglect so great a salvation.
Read More...Who Will Rule the World to Come?
In this section of Hebrews we learn something of the Church’s exalted destiny under Christ. It is almost too much to take in. Learn and exult!
Read More...The Humanity of Jesus Christ
Was Jesus truly a man? If so, what would implications does that have?
Read More...Why Did Jesus Become A Man?
We learn in this text why Jesus became a man. And what a glorious reason it was!
Read More...Hold Fast!
“For we have become partakers of Christ, if we hold fast the beginning of our assurance firm until the end.” Does this mean that if we don’t hold fast we will lose our salvation?
Read More...Enter God’s Rest!
Be diligent to enter God’s eternal rest in heaven! Don’t slacken, don’t grow slothful or apathetic. Stir yourself up to be diligent to enter!
Read More...The Deadly Word
Usually this passage in Hebrews is used to teach that God’s Word is like a knife that brings conviction of sin and sanctification of soul. Although there is much truth in that statement, I do not believe that is what is being taught here. Tune in to find out what God’s Word will bring.
Read More...Our Great High Priest
Why is it important that Jesus Christ is our high priest? What does that mean practically for the Christian? Find out in this important teaching.
Read More...Which Religion Is Right, Part 1
How do we know we have the right religion? How can we be sure we are following the truth? In this message we examine Christianity along with the other major religions of the world to see if they have anything in common. What we discover is quite interesting!
Read More...Which Religion Is Right, Part 2
How do we know we have the right religion? In this message we focus on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. If Jesus really did rise from the dead, then it follows that He must be who He claimed to be, and accomplished what He said He would accomplish, which has everything to do with whether we are following the Truth or not!
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